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"Hot Yoga" is a broad term describing a variety of yoga classes. Bikram yoga, perhaps the most widely known style, is mainly stationary so one would likely burn fewer calories than in perhaps a "Hot Vinyasa" yoga class. Calories burned also depends on the size and weight of the person in question. I would say a good range would be 200-500. More importantly, the practitioner would be better off noticing how their body is feeling, how clothing fits, muscle tone and improved flexibility.

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11y ago

Not sure where the previous responder gets his or her information. Yoga does burn calories. Sleeping burns calories. Does yoga burn lots of calories? Depends on what kind of yoga you do with how much intensity and for what duration. Balancing poses really raise your heart rate. Try saying suriya namaskar B three times fast. Now try doing it. Your heart rate will skyrocket. The best way to judge the calorie burn (and now you're doing two things you shouldn't do in yoga, counting calories and judging), start with your own perceived effort. If it's a 7 out of 10, you're burning calories faster than you would walking for the same duration at a moderate pace. And you may be burning more than you would on an elliptical reading a magazine. Plus you will build stength, endurance, balance and flexibility all the while freeing your mind from the encumbrances of worrying about how many calories you're burning.

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14y ago

Yoga doesn't burn calories, it only add flexibility. It also influence on reducing stress and depression levels. Definitely worth doing without burning our extra calories.

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Between 500 - 700....depending on your size.

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14y ago

Yoga burns on average about 200 calories per hour, but it really depends on the type of yoga you practice.

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12y ago

1000 calories are burned in 1 hours of yoga.. now if you do alott of yoga you are bound to burn lots of calories:)

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the answer is 5 not many as i thought

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Q: How many calories do you burn doing 1 hr of yoga?
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Can you burn fat doing yoga?

Bikram Yoga burns anywhere from 500-1000 calories depending on how hard you work and what your weight is. It most certainly helps you burn fat if you eat less than what you burn. You can walk 30-40 minutes a day - but that will burn a small fraction of Bikram will burn. People who don't do yoga - fail to know enough to say much about it. Ask your yoga instructor - they will tell you much more about it.

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It depends on what you do at the gym. Running on the treadmill will burn between 500-600 calories depending how fast you are goin. An elliptical at medium resistance will burn about 550 calories. Yoga will burn about 400 calories. Weight lifting will vary greatly based on the type of weights and the heaviness.

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Beach Body estimates 600 calories per DVD in the program. It all depends on your age, size, weight, and how intense you make the workout. I am 6'2 245 and 32 yrs old. According to my HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) I burn about 800.

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Yoga today has been misconstrued to be physical exercises but in reality it is a transcendental method to attain spirituality in consciousness by the different yogic postures.The best yoga posture is for prayanama that vitalises all physical organs as the first step to meditation.

How many calories does yoga burn?

This is a common misunderstanding. Kundalini is an unimaginably potent bio-spiritual tornado that turns people's lives inside out, not a way to lose a few pounds.

How many calories does kundalini yoga burn?

This is a common misunderstanding. Kundalini is an unimaginably potent bio-spiritual tornado that turns people's lives inside out, not a way to lose a few pounds.

How do you burn more than 400 calories?

You can burn more than 400 calories by:Exercise-there are many types of exercises that can burn over 100 calories, like aerobic exercises, yoga as well is a part of exercise. you also can dance, and MOVE! also you can run other words{ keep in mind the more you move the less you become hungry!}Eat little by little/ go on a diet-now if you eat less then you usually do or get on a diet, your metabolism starts to go higher, this is good! higher your metabolism gets the faster you burn calories (fat) When your on a diet you eat healthy appose to whole grain, wheat, low fat things, and vegetables and fruit! this can make you loose weight.Keep doing this and you`ll burn calories in no time!

What are some easy exercises for burning tummy fat?

There are a lot of ways to burn tummy fat, one cheap and easy way is to go running, running makes you burn fat faster not only on your tummy but in your entire body. You can also do sit ups or plank exercises. For me the best exercise that work burn tummy fat is doing yoga and pilates. Pilates is more core centered.

How many calories are burned in 60 minutes of yoga?

The free show above uncovers and clarifies the track with from home Yoga Burn wellness challenge solely for Women. This absolutely exceptional routine is intended for Women that might want to encounter the magnificent advantages of Yoga while having the option to consume calories, deal with their weight and get into incredible shape simultaneously. As you'll see, the Yoga Burn routine is speedy and testing and uses the demonstrated chiefs of movement to help ladies trim down, straighten out, and get fit. No activity groups or exercise center gear of any sort are needed to participate. In the course of the most recent couple of years this accurate Yoga Burn routine has been followed effectively by a large number of genuine, consistently Women from varying backgrounds and many various nations across the globe. Simply make certain to watch this show until the end since I attempt to save the absolute best for last! *Results may fluctuate contingent upon age, weight and other organic factors just as how long and how intently you follow the data introduced. As people will shift, so will results.

What are some tips about doing yoga for weight loss?

Yoga isn't such a hot choice for weight loss, it's just not strenuous enough. The increased amount of calories you burn are closely related to how much your heart rate increases, and yoga don't provide much of a heart rate increase. What you want for weigth loss is an activity which will get your heart rate well up, and keep it up for some time. That's why things like treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines, cycling, jogging, walking etc are so good for caloire burn and weight loss. But sure, it'd be hard to eat while you're doing yoga, which would help in some little way with weight loss

How to get fat by yoga?

Yoga is a wonderful source of exercise. It is not advised to try to get fat by yoga. People who practice yoga find that they burn fat, not gain it.