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11 or more countries still have slavery of differnt kinds the countries are...

scandonavia,Hungry,Swaziland,Indonesia,Tunisia,Brazil,Cote D'Ivoire, Mali,Mauritania,Niger and Sudan

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Q: How many countrys is there still slavery?
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Can i watch old slave video's online?

If your talking about slavery is America then you can't it ended in 1863 there were no video cameras but i bet you could find a few reenactments of what life as a slave was like. And slavery does still exist in some countrys you might be able to find something on that

How many people still do slavery?

slavery still does exist but is nothing like the past it is a bit better. peanut

When did slavery finish outside the US?

The US was the last western styled nation to recognise the imorality of slavery. However slavery is still rife all over the world especialy in moslem countrys where they will label it under a different name in order to get along with the United Nations. So slavery is not finished outside the US. and the US and the rest of the developed world is still using slaves to keep costs down. only they are doing it in other countries. Ahh Globalisation.

Did slavery still exist in the 1900s?

Yes. And it still exists today in 2013, in many forms. Labour slavery and sex slavery being the most common forms.

Was slavery an issue?

Yes slavery was and still is an issue in many countries (both legal and illegal).

How many years has slavery lasted?

It's still going on...

How did the underground railroad people escape slavery?

They made 2 new territorys called the Kansas and Nebraska, the people living there can vote wether or weather not they want slavery. The power belongs to the people in those countrys.

Was there still slavery?

Yes in 1862 there was still lots of slavery

Who demolished slavery?

Slavery was abolished through a combination of international pressure, moral arguments, and rebellions by enslaved individuals. Key events include the British Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, the American Civil War (1861-1865), and the work of abolitionists like Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman.

Where was slavery not abolished in 1880?

There are many places where slavery was not abolished in 1880. In many places it had already been outlawed. In addition there are many places today where it still happens.

What city or country stopped slavery?

many countries have made slavery a crime and outlawed the practice. However it still exists.

Is there slavery still today?

Yes, unfortunately, slavery still exists today in various forms around the world, including forced labor, human trafficking, and debt bondage. Many organizations are working to combat modern slavery and support victims. It is important to raise awareness and take action to end this inhumane practice.