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Exercises that target specific muscle groups do not necessarily help you loose weight, but they do help you obtain muscle tone. To loose weight you have to do aerobic exercise, meaning that you have to use enough of your large muscle groups in moderate activity to cause a little shortness of breath but you should still be able to speak without panting. You need to maintain aerobic exercise for at least a half hour, but a full hour is better. That is the only way to reduce any kind of body fat. Sometimes abdominal muscles become lax and crunches can help tighten and pull in your abdomen, but it isn't getting rid of fat.

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Q: How many crunches and pull ups are necessary to get rid of your lower body fat?
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Related questions

How many crunches to get to a tight abdomen?

seven crunches.

How many calories do you burn during side crunches?

Not much, crunches are no big calorie burners. But the few calories burned depends on how your body is buildt, your age, your metabolism, how you preform the crunch and so on.

How many crunches a night is a good amount?

It all depends on your size, weight, and fat % If you are trying to build a six pack, and you already have a low body fat % I would recommend anywhere from 60-100 crunches a night.

If you do nothing but eat less and do crunches and run will you lose weight?

Losing weight can be hard. If a person eats less, and exercises by doing crunches and running, they will lose some weight. The amount is dependent on how many calories they put in their body, and how many calories they burn.

How many crunches does it take to lose 1 pound?

crunches will not lose body fat or weight. aerobic exercise such as running will reduce body fat. it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat. reduce your intake by 500 a day/7days = 3500. With exercise, you should lose a pound a week. p.s crunches or resistance work will only tone the muscle but fat will stil be over it.

How many calories od you burn from crunches?

20 calories per 100 crunches, if you're doing them correctly.

How many crunches do you have to do to have a flat belly?


How many sit ups should a 12 year old female do?

For my school athletics, I do the following crunches: 30 crunches, right elbow to left knee 30 crunches, left elbow to right knee 30 crunches, legs bent to the left 30 crunches, legs bent to the right. That adds up to 120 crunches. You could do many more, or even less. It really depends on how fit you are.

How many crunches do you need to do to get a 6 pack?

Many thousands

How many crunches to lose 140 calories?


How many crunches equal one cookie?


How many crunches to lose 1 pound a week?

doing crunches makes muscle on top of fat and after that its almost impossible to lose that fat!