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One mole is 6.02 × 1023 of anything. One mole of atoms is 6.02 × 1023 atoms, one mole of rice is 6.02 × 1023 grains, one mole of shoes is 6.02 × 1023 shoes.

So you take 1.1 and multiply it with 6.02 × 1023 to get 6.62 × 1023

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Q: How many molecules are in 1.1 moles of CO?
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How many moles of CO molecules are in 52g CO?


How many moles of carbon monoxide molecules correspond to 7.20 x 1027 molecules of CO?

The equivalence is 1992 moles.

Which has more molecules 16g of CO or 20g of N2?

There are 6.023x10^23 molecules in one mole of a compound. So now, you have to find how many moles of each compound you have. CO's molecular weight is (12+16) = 28 g/mol N2's molecular weight is (14+14) = 28 g/mol So you find the moles of each. moles of N2 = 20g/ 28g/mol = .714 moles moles of CO = 16g / 28 g/mol = .571 moles So, N2 has (.714 *6.023x10^23) has 4.3 x10^23 molecules and CO (.571 *6.023x10^23) has 3.4x10^23 molecules. So, 20g of N2 has more molecules than 16g of CO

How many moles are contained in 4.65 x 1024 molecules of CO?

1 mole contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules. number of moles of CO= (4.65 x 1024) / (6.022 x 1023) = 7.72 mol The identity of the molecule does not change the answer.

How many moles of CO are produced when 1.4 moles C reacts?

1,4 moles of CO are produced.

How many moles are in 4.54 L of CO?

4,54 L of CO have 0,182 moles.

How many moles of atoms are contained in 382g Co?

How many moles of atoms are contained in 382 g Co

How many atoms are in 1.5 moles of water (H2O)?

Assuming you meant Carbon monoxide (CO): (1.5)* (6.02*10^23) = 9.03*10^23 molecules CO That could be written as: 903,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules

How many moles of CO are produced from 5 moles o2?

The answer is 10 moles of carbon monoxide.2 C + O2 = 2 CO

How many moles of atoms are in 382 g Co?

The answer is 6,482 moles.

How many moles of atoms are contained in 382 g Co?

382 g Co contain 6,482 moles.

How many grams of carbon monoxide (CO) are there in 2.55 moles of the ompound?

2,55 moles of the compound CO have 71,4 grams.