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1 mole Al ( and everything else ) is 6.022 X 10^23 atoms,so....

6 mole Al (6.022 X 10^23/1 mole Al)

= 3.61 X 10^24 atoms aluminum

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Q: How many number of atom in 6 mole Al?
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How many atoms in one mole of phosphorus vapour?

Avogadro's number: 6.02 × 1023. A mole of anything is Avogadro's number.

How atoms in a kilogram of aluminum?

There are 13 electrons in an Aluminum atom.

If you are given a aluminium sphere with a mass of 0.0679kg and its atomic number and mass number which is 13 and 26.982 respectively.The question is how many electrons in kg of a sphere?

I assume you mean how many electrons in 0.0679 kg? Or why else have that number. 0.0679 kg Al (1000 grams/1 kg)(1 mole Al/26.982 grams)(6.022 X 10^23/1 mole Al) = 1.5 X 10^24 atoms ------------------------------------now you were given that number 13 for a reason. that many electrons in aluminum 1.5 X 10^24 atoms Al * 13 electrons per atom Al = 1.97 X10^25 electrons in mass of aluminum ( might call it 2.0 X 10^25 )

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2.43 X 1023 atoms aluminum (1 mole Al/6.022 X 1023)(26.98 grams/1 mole Al)(1 pound/454 grams) = 0.024 pounds of aluminum ==================( about 2/5 of an ounce )

How many protons does an atom of aluminium contain?

Atomic number of Al is 13. It contains 13 protons.

Does a mole of Al and a mole of Mg have the same mass?

no it does not!

How many atoms are present in 4.2 moles of aluminium?

A mole is 6.022x1022. Therefore, 5.75x1024/6.022x1022 = 95.482323 moles (9.55 moles of Al).________________________________________________________________Source: e2020

How many moles are in one gram of Al?

For this you need the atomic mass of Al. Take the number of grams and divide it by the atomic mass. Multiply it by one mole for units to cancel.94.5 grams Al / (27.0 grams) = 3.50 moles Al

The total number of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom of Al is?


How many electrons are there in one mole of silicon?

The number of electrons in a mole of any substance would be Avogadro's number times its atomic number (if an element) or times the sum of the atomic numbers of its molecule (if a compound) So, since the atomic number of Al is 13, the number of electrons is (6 X 10^23) X 13 = 78 X 10^23. Give or take a few.

How many moles og Al are in 2.16 mol of Al2O3?

so you find the ratio of Aluminum to Oxygenin this case it is 2:3and then because the total mole is 2.16for aluminum:2.16/5*2 = 0.864for oxygen:2.16/5*3 = 1.296hope this helped :D

What is the limiting reactant of 60.0grams of aluminum present when a reaction with 25grams of hydrochloric acid occurs?

This reaction?2Al + 6HCl -> 2AlCl3 + 3H2Get moles species.60.0 grams Al (1 mole Al/26.98 grams) = 2.2239 mole Al==================================================================================2.2239 moles Al (6 mole HCl/2 mole Al)= 6.6717 moles HCl-------------------------0.68572 moles HCl (2 mole Al/6 mole HCl)= 0.22857 mole Al------------------------As you see you have way more moles aluminum than you need, but. you do not have nearly enough HCl to meet the mole burden.Hydrochloric acid limits this reaction.