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Q: How much Gatorade to prevent leg cramps?
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Can drinking water prevent nighttime leg cramps?

Dehydration can be a cause of leg cramps therefore, drinking water can help to prevent them. Sitting for long periods of time and not getting enough potassium can also cause leg cramps.

Does aspirin help to prevent leg cramps?

If you are experiencing leg cramps because of blocked arteries in the legs, you can take a low dose of aspirin to prevent these cramps, combined with exercise.

Could my leg cramps at night be from a low potassium level?

According the research, a lack of potassium can give leg cramps at night. In order to prevent this, a person should eat food with high potassium such as banana.

How much tonic water will help leg cramps?

The amount of tonic water needed to help with leg cramps varies. The amount is dependent on the size of the person who needs it.

Also found in a milk y laxative what mineral helps prevent muscle spasms and leg cramps?


What foods can prevent leg cramps?

As common causes include shortage of potassium and calcium, try a banana milkshake.

Is there a way to prevent leg cramps while getting out of the bed?

There are possible ways to help leg cramps but this is hard to prevent. There are pills on the market called crampex which claim to help with cramp but the best thing to do is to be ready to try to remedy the situation as soon as it occurs. If you keep your leg as straight as possible and curl your toes upwards, this will help alleviate the pain and the muscle spasms which is the cause of cramp.

what are leg pains and how do I prevent this?

Leg pains are involuntary muscle constraints in the legs which cause cramps. There are caused by many different factors. You can find a lot more info at /

Is it true that Club Soda will help prevent leg cramps because it contains quinine?

No,Club Soda does not have quinine,Tonic Water and it will help relieve cramps but you must also continue to hydrate you body with water.

How can I avoid leg cramps while sleeping at night?

Some ideas to prevent idiopathic leg cramps, nocturnal leg cramps, include changing sleeping posture to relax the leg muscles you could try sleeping with legs hanging out of the bed. Make sure you stretch leg muscles before bed and keep hydrated.

How do you get leg cramps to go away?

Eating foods high in potassium can significantly reduce leg cramps. If you choose to use a tablet supplement be very careful, you don't want to take too much.

What can you do when getting bad leg cramps-?

Stretching and massaging the leg can help in getting rid the cramps.