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Your best option would be to set up a freshwater tank because most Saltwater Fish require larger tanks than ten gallons.

First, you would need a power filter to filter your tank.

Second, you would need an air pump and a bubble wall to oxygenate your water.

Third, you would have to cycle your tank. This means growing bacteria that eliminate ammonia in your aquarium. To do this, add 1 hardy fish for every seven gallons of water in your tank. Danios work well for this. After 6-8 weeks, you can add more fish. Be sure not to add too many fish at a time.

Depending on the fish you are planning to get, you may need an aquarium heater. If you want tropical fish, you will need a heater. If you are planning to raise coldwater fish such as goldfish, you will not need a heater. Most Freshwater Fish are tropical, so you will probably need a heater.

You will also need to research what the fish you want eat and buy the food.

For fish options, Tetras, Guppies, Anabantids (Bettas and Gouramis), Loaches, Cyprinids, and Cichlids work well for beginners. PetSmart has a wide variety of fish. You could also try a local pet shop near you, but they probably won't have as many options.

I hope this helps you...

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11y ago

When first starting a new tank, and you have no established media to start off with, it's typical to take at least 4 weeks to complete the nitrogen cycle provided that you are using a source of food for the good bacteria to grow.
This source is ammonia, and if you do not have ammonia to directly add to the tank (you can usually get this at the fish store), you can use fish food in small quantities to add to the tank to produce the waste needed to feed your bacteria.

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14y ago

That depends on what fish you plan on keeping. Normally tropical fish need 78-81F water.. goldfish would need cooler water than that.

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12y ago

You would have to wait a least 2 days so the water wont be that cold and when you put the fish in it wont be cold and shy to come out

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