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dilute it and drink it

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evaporated milk is whole milk with 60% of the water removed. You can dilute it for drinking purposes in a pinch, but it is most often called for in things like cooked fudge and certain baked goods. (Certain savory casserole recipes call for it, too, but this is not common.)

Sweetened condensed milk is not the same thing at all. It is made by evaporating half the water from whole milk and adding sugar to make up the difference. It is very sweet and very thick, and is also used almost exclusively in desserts.

A recipe will tell you which one to use. You cannot substitute one for the other.

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13y ago

it depends on which sauce you are making if you make a Asian dish carrot pudding gagrayela you put in evaporated milk for the white parts

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You open the can pour it into Hot Chocolate

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Q: How to use evaporated milk?
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Can you use evaporated milk in place of condensed?

No. Condensed milk has a large quantity of sugar in it, evaporated milk does not.

Can you use regular milk instead of evaporated milk in a homemade puppy formula?

no because the evaporated milk is to sweet

Can you use evaporated milk in place of regular milk in cheesecake?

No: its not called 'evaporated' for nothing!

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Either it is not evaporated milk, or something happened to it. Don't use it.

When it calls for milk and I want to use evaporated milk do I use the same amount?

Yes. Just don't substitute "evaporated milk" as it contains a higher sugar content. I often substitute evaporated milk by first mixing the evaporated milk with COLD water (it works better) and then adding the required amount into the recipe. Happy dining!

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Can you use evaporated milk instead of whole milk in jiffy corn bread mix?

It is possible to use evaporated milk instead of whole milk when making a Jiffy cornbread mix. 2% milk is also a viable option.

Is whole milk richer than evaporated milk?

No. Whole milk has a thinner consistency than evaporated milk.

Can you use evaporated milk instead of vitamin d milk?

In some cases you can.

Can I use evaporated milk In cereal?

most are a few are not

Can you use evaporated milk instead of regular milk in hamburger helper?

Evaporated milk doesn't have any added sugar - that's condensed milk. Evaporated milk is just milk that's had most of the water removed (ie, evaporated out by heating). So, whilst it will taste sweeter than ordinary milk, it's because it's more 'concentrated', not because it's had any sugar added. When mixed with an equal amount of water, evaporated milk can be substituted for fresh milk in baking or other recipes.

Can you use sweet condensed milk for evaported milk?

No substituting evaporated milk with sweet condensed milk is not advised.