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Q: How you would text a gingerbread biscuit solution for the presence of starch sugar and protein?
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What is used to test for presence of protein?

Biuret solution

What is the significance of sodium-nitroprusside test?

This test is performed to test the presence of cysteine in the test solution (protein solution)

What color does Biuret turn in the presence of protein?


When biuret reagent is added to an unknown colorless solution the solution turns light purple. this indicates the presence of which molecules?

process that release energy by breaking down food molecules in the presence of oxygen

What is used to test for the presence of proteins?


What cause of aggregations of protein in dilute solution?

Aggregations of proteins in dilute solution can occur due to several factors. Common causes include changes in pH, temperature, or salt concentration, which can disrupt the protein's native structure and promote aggregation. Additionally, protein concentration, incubation time, and the presence of destabilizing agents such as denaturants or oxidizing agents can also contribute to protein aggregation in dilute solutions.

What is the change in color in testing for the presence of protein in egg albumin using solution sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate?

Copper sulphate when mixed with a protein will turn purple if the amount of protein is sufficient enough in quantity to trigger the reaction. Planex1234 says; No offense but i think it is starch that turns dark blue - purple. Thetada says: the colour changes are arguably similar. Iodine solution goes blue/black in the presence of starch. The colour that sodium hydroxide / copper sulphate solution goes in the presence of protein is variously described as mauve / purple.

How can I find out whether a unknown mixture has protein in it?

The most common method is the biuret test: in the presence of a copper(II) solution and NaOH the sample become violet.

What is the chemical indicator used to test protein?

To test for protein. Biuret or solutions of sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate. Tested with a dropper a + result will be purple or something

What is the result when albumin solution pepsin and HCl are mixed with biuret reagent?

The reagent turns pink due to the presence of broken amino acid chains of the albumin, a source of protein.

How do you test for proteins?

The most reliable protein test is the Biuret test, which detects peptide links. It is performed as follows... 1. Place a sample of the solution to be tested in a test tube and add an equal volume of sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature. 2. Add a few drops of very dilute (0.05%) copper II sulphate solution and mix gently. 3. A purple coloration indicates the presence of peptide bonds and hence a protein. If no protein is present, the solution remains blue.

What is 'coagulation' process?

it is a reaction inwhich a protein changes fronm a liquid state to a semi-solid state in the presence of heat.