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That's an interesting philosophical question and basically depends on whether you consider that God is generally in the business of changing human traits or whether the few hardenings and softenings of heart in The Bible were rare events. Looking at human history in general, I would say that God's interventions - mental or physical - have been extremely sparse. Why didn't he intervene when one lot of Christians were burning another lot of Christians to death? Why didn't he intervene when Christians were persecuting Jews at several stages in history? (It wasn't just Hitler) Jonab responds: as rare as those incidents are it does show that God can influence the heart of man. But for the majority of human history He has chosen not to interfere. Can we conclude that nothing happened without God's acknowledgment(as in the case of Job's suffering)? From the apparent rarity of God's interventions we can probably conclude that most things happen without God's acknowledgement, at least as far as any manifestation on Earth is concerned. Jonab: God may not 'acknowledge' as you say but we can not say that He doesn't know. If He knew Hitler before what Hitler would do and that He could stop Hitler if He chose to then the least we can conclude is God allowed Hitler to do what he did.

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Q: If God can harden the heart of Pharaoh why didn't He soften the heart of a sinner such as Hitler?
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This simply means GOD did not change his heart. He let his heart harden instead of changing it, If you continue you to read it explains this was done to prove his power to his people and all for all the people who did not believe. Jonab's thought: The bible does have many incidents when God's influence the heart of man by 'harden' or 'soften' (Dan 1:9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and sympathy to Daniel) It seems clear in the context that God does influence the heart of man. Being perfect as God is He always have influence the heart of man for the good of mankind. But we have to wonder why all those first born children had to die. If God did not want those children to die He could have done it. He could have caused Pharaoh to die of a heart attack and save all those innocent first born children.