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Because God didn't mess with people's free will after the old testament.

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Q: If God can harden the heart or soften the heart of Pharaoh could God have changed the heart of Hitler?
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Is a macaroon a cake or biscuit?

A macaroon is actually classed as a cake, because when cakes go stale they harden, but biscuit soften when they go stale!

What did Native Americans do with buffalo hearts?

The native Americans used buffalo brain to soften the buffalo hide. The hide was necessary esp., during the winter. This can also be done with sheep brain to soften the sheepskin.

What are the rules for using C or K?

The C and K generally makes the same sound but for which one to use depends on the following letters. If the following letter is E, I or Y, then we use a K instead because if we use a C, the following letters would soften the C into an S sound. If the following letter is anything else, then we can use a C, because it'll remain a hard C and this is quite usual to use. Things doesn't always follow the rules and there are some rule-breaker exceptions. Sometimes, we use a K although the following letters won't soften the C like "karma", "krill", "krypton", "koala", "kosher", "Korea", "kangaroo", "Kansas", etc. The K is generally used if the following letters would soften the C, otherwise we would use a C instead.

Why Athens should not have gone to war against Sparta?

Athens was overconfident and aggressive. Sparta and its allies drew a line over a dispute over Megara, and tried to get Athens to soften its position. Athens refused and war ensued.

What should we do if we want a hard C but the following would soften?

If the C is followed by an E, I or Y, then the C would soften into an S sound. There are some ways to stop the following letters from softening the C: Firstly, we can double the C like "soccer". However, this might not work out because it sometimes make both hard and soft sounds like "accident","accept","accent","access","success", etc. Secondly, we can put an H after C like "architect","chemical","orchid","schedule","orchestra","chyme",etc. However, this might sound quite unobvious because CH is already a consonant digraph which sounds like a voiceless J like "chair","chain","chin","chart","chess",etc. Thirdly, we can replace the C with a K like "king","kind","keep", etc. The C and K generally makes the same sound. If the following letter is an E, I or Y, you'll notice that we use a K instead. That's because if we use the C with these following letters, then it'll soften into an S sound.