

If I can't lose weight does it mean I could be pregnant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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If you're having sex w/o being properly protected then there's always a possibility of pregnancy - but more probably you're just getting too many calories and not enough exercise to lose any weight.

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Q: If I can't lose weight does it mean I could be pregnant?
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That completely depends on your current body weight. If you are really skinny and pregnant, then you probably shouldn't try to lose any weight. But if you are the opposite and could afford to lose the weight before getting pregnant, then it is likely okay to lose the weight now. If you do decide that you should lose the weight, remember that how you lose weight is far more important then actually losing the weight. Simply starving yourself to lose weight is never good. Always, especially when pregnant, consult a doctor about any health changes as they will know far better what is healthiest for you and your body over people on the internet.

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You can't particularly "diet" to lose weight, but you can control the calorie intake to a level that is healthy for your body type and pregnancy. This reduction in calories will overall make you lose weight, especially after you deliver the baby.

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if u cant run lose weight

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you cant ,will you can but not in only 30 min

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you cant really do that.

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Crystal meth

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Probably nothing. Many women do not gain weight, and may even lose it in the first trimester. Blame nausea and tiredness.

Does chocolate and bananas help you lose weight?

no it cant because choclate is not healthy