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yes she is.

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Q: If a man dies with no will and has grown children is his wife responsible to make car payments for probate?
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Do life insurance policies have to be listed in probate?

No if there is a surviving spouse and the children are grown

Are your grown children entitled to the back child support payments that are received by the parent who has custody?

It is dependant on which state that you live in as to if the children are entitled to back child support after they are grown. You will need to consult with your local state child support office so they can better assist you with this question.

Is their any pictures of Annette's grown children?

yes there is pic of Annette's grown children i found some on google when i was doing a project on her

What if grown children put guilt on dad because of divorce when they were young and don't allow him a girlfriend?

Grown children have no right to prevent Dad from finding happiness. Grown children need to act like adults and lead their own lives.

Does Bob Ulrich have any children?

He had two grown children, Curt and Jacqueline.

Are your grown children intitled to your my back child support payments?

Child support that is awarded and not paid can be claimed by and adult child. A child support order usually expires when the child turns 18, but anything that is arrears can still be claimed by the child.

When marriage fails who is responsible and who suffers?

General question, so general answer to the responsibility part: both partners are responsible for the failure (especially if the invoqued reason is "incompatibility" as it is nowadays). As for who suffers the most, everyone directly connected to it: both wife & husband and the children. However, grown-ups might be able to deal with it over time, but children WILL NEVER, as it will even shape their thinking.

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Are parents responsible for the outcome of their children?

Yes, parents are responsible for the outcome of their children. However, many parents can give love and guidance to their child and that child when grown can go completely in the opposite direction and perhaps get into trouble. Once children reach their teens it is difficult for parents to keep and eye on them 24/7, but if they bring their child up by getting their sons and daughters into sports; dance, music, etc., that child has a better chance in life.

What is responsible for the color of hydrangea flowers which depends on the pH of the soil in which they are grown?

environmental conditions

How do you tell your grown children of your husband's previous marriage and children?

The children should have been told long ago that their father was married before and had children so that would make then step brothers or step sisters to your children. Your grown children may be angry you waited so long to tell them, but it is important that they know as your husband's other children are still related to the children you have and eventually they will find out so it is better that you and your husband sit down with your grown children and tell them the truth and why he left his first wife.

Does judge pirro have any children?

Two. Both adults.