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Q: If your client can complete two or more repetitions at 75 of 1 RM in the last two sets in two consecutive workouts for the same body part this ia a general rule hat progression should take place?
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If your clien can successfully complete two or more repetitions in the last set in two consecutive workouts for any given exercise the load should be?

increased by two to ten percent depending on your clients' current physical abilities.

How does increasing the number of sets affect your muscles?

When you increase the amounts of sets, your body's endurance will get better. Your workouts will be more intense and fatigue can hit much easier. It is the same things as it is with repetitions - more doesn't always mean better. If your goal is to maximize your muscle growth, I would recommend doing three sets of five repetitions or five sets of five repetitions.

How many days a week should you excrcise your upper body?

Three upper body workouts per week on next consecutive days is good.

What types of workouts are available from Core Performance?

Core Performance offers full-body strength workouts, pillar strength workouts, cardio workouts, and more depending on the locations services. Some locations have pools, which allows for swimming workouts. Some locations have tracks, which allow for track workouts.

What are good workouts to do when you have random spare time?

One workout you could try is to go through a deck of cards and do however many repetitions of an exercise are indicated by the number of the card, using a different exercise for each suit. You can do push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, crunches, etc.

What defines boot camp workouts?

Boot camp workouts are workouts that are supposed to be very difficult and rough. Although most are no where near a military boot camp, these workouts will get you into excellent shape.

What is a set in exercising?

A set is the amount of repetitions one lifts in weight training in one setting. For example, if you lift 150lbs. 10 times, that's one set. The repetition is how many times the weight was lifted. In the example, it would be ten times.

How can you get a wrestlers body?

Well I don't know about WWE, but I wrestled in high school and to achieve this "wrestlers body" it takes hard hard work. When I did it, I would hit the weights 6 days out of the week. You want to start off with strength training (Heavy weight and low repetition) to build up mass. After you are satisfied with the mass, you need to tone it. The way i did this was through circuit workouts. These are workouts in which you do about 60% of your max and about 10 repetitions. Do about 8 workouts with no rest in between. This will tone your muscles and make them stand out. Also run as much as you can. This will help lose body fat and make your body look as great as possible.

Can you reduce bodyfat by taking Omega3along with workouts?

With workouts and omega3, you will reduce.

Can you work out your calves on consecutive days. like you can with abs?

No, calves are not slow-twitch fibers. I would actually give 2 days between workouts for fast-twitch fibers though. They require that much time to fully repair.

What is the plural of workout?

The plural of workout is workouts.

What other equipment should be part of a complete gym?

It depends on what type of workouts you are interested in. If building muscle is your goal, then weight training equipment like dumbbells should be sufficient to start with. If you want to add cardio or aerobic workouts, consider adding a treadmill or elliptical trainer, or exercise bike.