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Yes, in the sense they're not required to actually live in the same house that you do. They are, however, legally required to provide for you, so in order to do this without being charged with child abandonment they'd have to send you to a boarding school or something (and pay for your food and lodging there, of course).

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In Massachusetts, you parents can not kick you out of the house if you are under 18 under most conditions. They can have you emancipated by going through a court proceeding.

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Q: In Massachusetts can your parents kick you out of the house if you are under 18?
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If you're gay can your parents legally kick you out of the house in NJ?

Legally, your parents cannot kick you out of the house if you are under 18, no matter what state you live in, whether you are gay or straight. But it happens all the time anyway.

Parents want to kick me out of the house?

they can kick you out at 18 or ditch you in an orphanage

Can you legally kick your 15-year-old child out of the house in Massachusetts?

no Of course not.

Can my parents kick me out of the house if I'm 17?

Legally, parents or guardians are generally responsible for providing housing for their children under 18. If you're 17 and your parents kick you out, you should seek help from a trusted adult, such as a teacher or counselor, or contact local authorities for assistance.

Can parents kick a 20 year old out of the house in Texas?

Simple answer yes.

Can you parents legally kick you of their house at eighteen in Nebraska?

Yes they can, welcome to being an adult.

If you're gay can your parents legally kick you out of the house?

If you're under 18, no, if you're 18 and older, probably. Parents can legally kick their kids out as long as they're legal adults regardless of reason. Unless of course the residence is in the teenagers name in which case the parents technically live with the child, rather than the other way around.

Can parents kick a 20 year old out of the house?

Legally, parents can ask a 20-year-old to leave the house if they are not providing financial support, but the exact laws vary depending on the location. It's important to check local laws and communicate openly with your family to find a resolution that works for everyone.

Can your parents legally kick you out of their house at 17 in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, parents are legally responsible for providing care and support for their children until they reach the age of 18. However, if a 17-year-old is being asked to leave the home, they may seek help from local authorities, such as child protective services or legal aid, to ensure their well-being and explore available options.

In Texas if you are under 17 and your parents wanted to kick you out of their house would they have the right to just put you on the street or would they have to go to court about it?

Until you are of legal age, they would have to go to court to get you out.

Can your parents legally tell you who you can and can not see after you turn 18?

No, once you turn 18, you are considered an adult and can make your own decisions about who you see. Your parents cannot legally control your relationships at that point.