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No, becoming pregnant and having a child does not emancipate a person. In Ohio, it's not even possible to ask the court for an order of emancipation. Not every state has emancipation laws, and Ohio is one that doesn't. In Ohio, the only way to become emancipated is by getting married (legally) or joining the military.

Yes I think it should. Atleast we can have one law on it. I am 16 1/2 and i hate my family and i wish i could move in here with my boyfriend. He only trys to help me and get a great future. I love him!! Thers other of children out there and they have kids. The parents are controlling and wont let the ohter parent see the child or baby! I think we should


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Q: In Ohio if you have a baby at 17 are you automatically emancipated from your parents' custody?
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What things does a minor have to do to be emancipated in Ohio?

It is my understanding that Ohio does not allow a minor to petition for emancipation. A minor is considered emancipated if they get married or join the military, both of which require parental consent. However, in Ohio, if the minor gets divorced or is discharged from the military before turning 18, custody reverts back to their parents.

Can a 16 year old be emancipated in the state of Ohio if the parents agree?

Yes, but you will have to hire a lawyer and go before a judge to prove you can support yourself. When you become emancipated your parents don't have to support you or take care of you. You have to pay the rent, work, buy food, pay for the gas and electric, and do all the things that is required of an adult. In 2 years you will be 18 and an adult so wait to do this.

How old does a child have to be in Ohio to get emancipated? "State of Ohio does not have an emancipation law. Minor or parent is unable to file a legal action to have a minor emancipated or legally on their own and under the age of 18. There are two temporary ways in which a minor can be out of the custody of their parent. Either join any branch of the Armed Forces or marriage. However, if the marriage is dissolved or minor is discharged from the service and still under the age of 18 the custody automatically reverts back to the parent who originally had custody."

Is it possible to have your parents deemed unfit parents or get yourself emancipated or something of the like and be adopted by someone else's parents in Ohio?

There is no emancipation statute in Ohio. Contact child services in your area for help in getting out of a dangerous environment.

How do I become emancipated in Columbus Ohio?

How old do you have to be to get emancipated in columbus, ohio? And are there any rules? If so what are they?

How can you be taken out of your parents' custody and live on your own if you're a minor but are having emotional problems due to your parents?

You need to find out about the laws in your state.I was emancipated in Ohio at 16 but not all states are the same.First talk to an adult you trust if there is a problem at home such as a teacher,pastor,or other relative.Also you can call your local childrens services for help.

Can a 16 yr old move out of their parents house and live with a grandparent in ohio?

No. Not until you are emancipated which means 18yo, married or in the military.

What are your options if you are 17 in Ohio and want to move out without getting emancipated and live with your boyfriend without getting into trouble?

The age of majority in Ohio is 18, so anyone under that age is considered to be a minor. If you leave home without parental consent then your parents can report you as a runaway. Your boyfriend can get into trouble to. Under Ohio law he could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a child and interference with custody of child under the age of 18.

Can a teen mom leave parents house in the state of Ohio?

In Ohio, you can only become emancipated through lawful marriage, or through enlistment in the Armed Forces. If your marriage or service end before your 18th birthday, you are again subject to the custody of your parents.Looks like age 18 is the requirement unless one of the above happens to take place.

Can a 17 year old move out of her house legally in the state of Ohio?

The age of majority in Ohio is 18. A person below 18 is considered to be emancipated (and therefore can move out without parental permission) if they are married or they are in the military (both of which require parental consent).

What are the requirements to move out at 17 in Ohio?

In Ohio, a 17-year-old typically cannot legally move out without parental consent unless they have been legally emancipated by a court. Emancipation is a legal process that grants the minor the rights of an adult, including the ability to live independently. It is advisable to seek legal guidance to understand the specific requirements and process for emancipation in Ohio.

Can a teenager get emancipated at age 16 in the state of Ohio?

Ohio does not have an emancipation statute.