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As recognised as any religion is! The UK's official religion is Anglican, but the country is a democracy, so all other religions are tolerated, be they different Christian denominations or other religions completely- Catholicism, Non-Conformism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Bhuddism, Sikhism and all the rest. Wicca is recognised as being a harmless and positive faith by most intelligent people, but the less intelligent and more fundamentalist elements of the Christian and Islamic faiths see it as sinful and evil, and synonymous with Devil-worship, which of course it is not. Pagans are accepted by mainstream society, but can face persecution by elements within the Christian and Muslim churches.

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Q: Is Wicca a recognised religion in UK?
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No. Wicca is a religion, not a language.

When was wicca recognized as a religion In Tennessee?

Wicca is a newer religion based on a mix of Saxon/Celtic folk traditions and Ceremonial magic. It was officially called Wicca by Gerald Gardener in the 50's. In the United States, Wicca was finally recognized as a religion in various states and by the Army in response to it's soldiers wanting to practice their faith without persecution.

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Wicca is the faest growing religion

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Wicca was recognized by the United States Army in 1975. To read excerpt from the Army's handbook see link below: After a ten year legal battle, the circled pentagram (referred to as a pentacle by applicants and the court case) was added to the list of 38 approved religious symbols to be placed on the tombstones of fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetary in April of 2007.

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Is paganism a recognized religion?

The status of any religion in terms of recognition will vary between cultures and nations. What is a recognised faith in one area might be rejected in another. In the case of paganism, an additional problem is that there is no one 'pagan' religion. Paganism as an umbrella term includes a wide range of different beliefs and practices. For example, Wicca is considered to be a pagan religion (or 'neo-pagan', as is sometimes preferred), but so is Asatru* - yet the two religions have relatively little in common. As well, there is the question of what qualifies as a 'recognised' religion. In some countries, there is an 'official' religion which is asserted to be that of the country as a whole. In many western nations, as here in the UK, there is no specific list of 'recognised' religions (although in the case of the UK, Anglican Christianity must be considered 'official' in one sense, since traditionally there are Anglican bishops sitting in the House of Lords). But anti-discrimination legislation in the UK tends to describe religion as a whole concept rather than list specific faiths. No doubt there are areas where paganism is recognised, others where it is not, and many where no specific 'recognised' status is necessary for a religion. --- * Although practitioners of Asatru generally prefer the term 'heathen' to that of 'pagan'.

Is there such thing as Wicca?

Yes, of course! Wicca is a religion just as Christianity is a religion. It is based on the beliefs of nature, and is in no way evil or dark. ----- Yes - it is a fertility based initiatory mystery religion.

Are there afro american wicca?

As Wicca is a religion focusing not on race, but on the belief structures of the individual, there is not (to my knowledge) a specific African-American Wicca. If you are asking if there is a participation by African-Americans in wicca, then the answer is yes.

Who belongs to wicca relegion?

Wicca is not a religion in the generally perceived sense of the word - it is a pagan spiritual practice.

Does Wicca exist?

Yes, Wicca does exist. Wicca is a pagan revivalist religion that incorporates many ancient Celtic traditions with other pagan pantheons.