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A technique employed by some endurance athletes to increase their storage of muscle glycogen is

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Q: A technique employed by some endurance athletes to increase their storage of muscle glycogen?
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How do athletes load up on glycogen?


What do you call it when athletes completely deplete their stored glycogen?

Hitting the wall

Do trained athletes store more glycogen?

Yes, they do. The more they exercise, the more glycogen they produce which is stored as short-term energy.

What is carbohydrate loading?

Carbohydrate loading is a strategy involving changes to training and nutrition that can maximise muscle glycogen (carbohydrate) stores prior to endurance competition. The technique was originally developed in the late 1960's and typically involved a 3-4 day 'depletion phase' and a 3-4 day 'loading phase'. Ongoing research has allowed the method to be refined so that modern day carbohydrate loading is now more manageable for athletes.

What is glycogen supercompensation?

Glycogen supercompensation is a process in which the body's glycogen stores are increased above normal levels through carbohydrate loading. This is typically done before an endurance event to ensure that the body has an ample supply of glycogen for energy. It involves consuming a high-carbohydrate diet coupled with reduced exercise to promote glycogen storage in the muscles and liver.

Is muscle glycogen the primary fuel for endurance exercises?

Yes, muscle glycogen is a primary fuel source for endurance exercises such as long-distance running and cycling. It is stored in muscle tissue and can be rapidly broken down to provide energy during prolonged, low to moderate intensity activities. However, for longer endurance events, the body may also utilize fat stores as a fuel source.

What do track and field athletes have for breakfast?

Runners in general need as much fuel as possible to help them get through their running routines. As a result, the best breakfast for them is to have a meal high in fiber and carbohydrates. These nutrients are deposited in the body as energy reserves (glucose and glycogen) which can prove useful in bettering the body's performance during endurance training.

What skeletal muscle fibers that are used for endurance activities have a large quantity of a-creatine-phosphate b-glycogen c-mitochondria d-anaerobic enzymes c-stored APT?

The creatine phosphokinase is the skeletal muscle fibers that are used for endurance activities.

How does exercise increase storage of glycogen and fat?

If the athlete had a fit rich and a poor carbohydrate diet, it would mean that they would have lower muscle glycogen content and a higher rate of fat oxidisation during exercise, when compared with a high carbohydrate low fat diet. The whole effect of such a diet could potentially be a sparing of muscle glycogen, and because muscle glycogen storage is paired up with endurance performance, it is possible that adaptation to a high fat diet could potentially enhance endurance performance. Therefor the athlete could afford to eat fatty things in their diet and be able to use the energy it gives to good use. The athlete would have to perform a lot of endurance exercise so that it does not hinder the performance.

What is the smallest polysaccharide?


How many grams of glycogen are stored per one kilogram of the human body weight?

There is debate as to this answer. It is also hard to answer because glycogen is not stored evenly throughout the body, it is stored in the liver and the muscle tissue. Assuming a person has been eating plenty of food, namely carbs, and the glycogen levels are full most texts report the liver being able to hold 70-100 grams of glycogen and the muscles holding 200-400 grams of glycogen. The more muscles someone has and the more trained they are (athletes, etc) the more glycogen they can hold. If we say an average male is 80 kg and an average male has 350 grams of glycogen, then you have about 4.5 grams of glycogen per kg, but again it is not stored evenly so it is an unusual way of framing the question.

What is a polysaccharide that stores energy in your muscles and liver?

I believe its glycogen found in liver and muscles which is made of glucose to give us energy