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Horse slaughter is NOT illegal in the United States, though certain states (such as New Jersey) ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The problem with using horse flesh for food is that saddle soap might slightly taint the meat. What IS illegal (by federal statute) is killing wild mustangs that were released in the US hundreds of years ago by the Spaniards. Some believe wild horses are an invasive species that foul springs and increase erosion by tearing up creek banks and destroying native habitats. However, there are tens of thousands more head of cattle and sheep being grazed for profit on public lands that do far more harm to the landscape than the relatively few wild herds left behind after the massive Bureau of Land Management roundups in recent years.

Although some states prohibit the slaughter of horses for human consumption, there is no federal law banning the practice. There are cultural taboos against the consumption of horse meat, which is why most horses slaughtered in the US are exported to other countries. Plus, since horses are not raised for human consumption like cattle, for instance, their diets are not free of drugs and feed additives that would be considered undesirable for the palette of European horse meat purchasers.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Horse can legally be transported to Canada and Mexico for slaughter, but at the moment horse slaughter facilities in the USA cannot kill horses for meat due to lack of funding for inspections.

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11y ago

The available answers to this question will be really just be opinions. However horse slaughter in the US could have a place in society if it were done humanely and safely. However as it currently stands in the US most horses are not raised for meat production and have chemicals inside their bodies that contaminate the meat they produce. There is also the fact that there is great wastage from the unusable parts of the horse carcasses which are then just sent to a landfill where feral dogs and birds can get into the tainted meat and die from eating it. Another issue is that slaughter houses are not designed for horses. The horses suffer during the slaughter process.

If the slaughter process could be refined and made safe and humane and the meat being produced was not tainted, then yes it could have a place and thus be legal.

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14y ago

in the back of a truck :(

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Q: Is horse slaughter illegal
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Horse slaughter is currently legal in the USA

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No. It is illegal to slaughter a horse in the united states. It is a horrible thing in my eyes.

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Horse slaughter is illegal everywhere in America, unless you immediately package and export the meat outside the country.

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A horse slaughter plant is a place where mean people kill healthy, old, or injured horses for food or money.THEY_ARE_SO_CRUEL!">THEY ARE SO CRUEL!Horse slaughter is not illegal, although it should be. A lot of people are against horse slaughter, including me.Sometimes good people save the horses by adopting them so they can have a great life. If they don't get adopted..... I think you would know what happens to them.@the guy above:I am against horse slaughter too.

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No. It is illegal in America to slaughter horses for food. That includes jello.

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No it is not illegal to export horses for slaughter.

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Amazingly, the laws against murder do apply to your own family. It is illegal to slaughter them.

What is the difference between banning horse slaughtering and being illegal?

Banning horse slaughtering is where the horses go to0 farm and are torn apart and people can do legally with a license and when you slaughter horses illegal you do not have a license or any rights to be slaughtering horses.

How many jobs were lost when horse slaughter became illegal in the US?

Horse slaughter is not illegal. What became illegal (unfortunately) was the harvest of wild mustangs in Nevada and other states where these feral beasts destroy the environment and threaten endangered native species. These animals were brought over by the Spaniards hundreds of years ago, and should be hunted down and sold for dog food, the way they used to be hunted.

Are slaughter houses illegal?

No. Slaughterhouses are not illegal. How do you think we get hamburgers