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Q: Is it called biism or racism when you hate a Jew?
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Related questions

Why does Shylock hate Jews?

Shylock did not hate Jews. Shylock was a Jew.

How did adolf get influenced by his mom to hate jew?

Hitler's mother did not influence him to hate Jews.

If you hate being jewish what is that called?

If you hate Jews who are persons other yourself, you are Anti-Semite. If you are yourself a Jew and you hate yourself and other Jews, you are a Self-Hating Anti-Semite.Regardless of whether you are a Jew or not, you should not hate yourself. Please seek psychiatric help if that is the case, since it is more likely depression or some other psychological issue than actual cultural hatred.

What is Jew follower called?

a Jew?

What was the film called that encuraged the germans to hate the Jews?

There are several such films, but the most famous is DER EWIGE JUDE usually translated as THE ETERNAL JEW.

When a Jew marries a non-Jew it is called what?

It is sometimes called a mixed marriage.

What is a Jewish lady called?

In English, a female Jew is called a Jew.

What is a non-observant Jew called?

A secular or irreligious Jew.

Did Adolph Hitler hate Russians?

Hitler didn't particularly hate Russian's, his enemies were the Jew's he blamed them for his loss in WW1.Hitler also hated the Jews because it was a Jew that was treating his mum on her death bed and he thought that he could have saved her.

What does antisemetic mean?

blind hatred and undiscriminated hate towards anyone who is Jewish

Why did Hitler hate Jews and foreigners whilst he was in Vienna?

he applied for art school, but a jew got the place instead

Why is the KKK secretive?

The KKK is secretive Because now racism is not appreciated and killing people because they are black or because they are a Mormon or a Jew is not right in todays communities