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Q: Is it normal for your period to come three times in one cycle?
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Is it ok to not get your period for 3 months?

No, it's not okay not to get your period for three months. Your menstrual cycle is a good indicator of your overall health, although irregular or abscent menstruation may be normal at certain times in your life such as during puberty, going this long without a cycle may be an indicator that something is wrong. If you go over three months without a period you should talk to your doctor to investigate the cause.

What can you eat or do to stop your period from starting on your due date?

There are certain pills that you can obtain with a prescription. They can momentarily delay your period so that if you have an event coming up around your cycle you can push back your cycle. "Norethisterone is a progestogen hormone in tablet form, which is taken three times a day for three days before your period is due and then for seven days to delay the period. At the end of the seven days, the tablets are stopped and your period starts as normal. It is available on NHS prescription from your GP." (taken from

What if you get your period 2 a month?

its normal, ive had it happen to me lots of times. its nothing to sweat. but if it keeps happening i would go see my doctor, it might just be how your cycle is.

Is it normal to have pink watery spotting the day your period is due?

This can be a indication of pregnancy. If your already pregnant, then mention the bleeding to your doctor.

What does it mean spotting between your period?

Spotting - also known as "breakthru bleeding" is either having a "mini period" between the 27-28 some odd days between ones "normal" period or (as the word implies). Times where there are spots of blood between the cycle. This can last a day or a week. There are times it can act as a normal period - the term is broad based and depends on what ones physician has indicated for the female experiencing it.

Why period three times a month?

what are you on about ?!?!?!

Can you get pregnant 2 to three days after your ovulating days?

Although a woman is most fertile about 14 days after her period starts, she can get pregnant during other times of her cycle.

Can you make menstruation period come a day late?

Yes, you can make your period start a day later than it's due. You can get Norethisterone from your doctor which is a progesterone pill so prevents the progesterone drop that triggers the uterine lining shedding, take it three times per day from three days before your period and continue to take the pills until you want your period to start.

How many times will an average woman ovulate in one year?

Once a cycle. A cycle is from the day her period starts until the day before her next period begins. There are women who do not ovulate on their own, and often times they do not get their periods as a sign of this.

Is it normal to poop on your period?

NO YOU should poop 3 times a day

Is it normal to have your period 2 times a month?

It depends on the frequency. The 'norm' is 25 to 30 days per cycle. If they're occurring much quicker than that - have a chat to your GP to see if there's an underlying reason.

What is the time cycle of mercury?

115 to 120 days or about three times of years