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I wouldn't say it was normal, but I spotted throughout my whole pregnancy and my baby was and is fine. I had placenta previa which is why the spotting started. So just make sure to tell your doctor as soon as possible! My doctor said some women spot throughout their whold pregnancy, as I did. But in the begining around 12 weeks I found out I had placta previa, which is where the placenta is down where the cervix is instead of being up higher which causes bleeding and bed rest is needed if it is bad, I only had to limit my activity and it resolved itself by 19 weeks, but I still continued to spot- not real explanation

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Spotting is normal in pregnancy. As long as the color is dark brown or very dark red, it's fine. Once the spotting becomes heavier (more like a period) and goes from a dark red to a brighter red color (Keep in mind that dark brown or red blood means old blood; bright red or light red means this is fresh blood coming from someplace recently), you need to see a doctor. Either way, any time I spotted during pregnancy, even if it was just a drop, I went right to the doctor. It's better to get it checked out and have a physician tell you the baby's fine then to worry and guess about it.

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Q: I'm 12 weeks pregnant spotting but no pain?
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