

Is it ok to drink protein shakes with muscle gainer?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is it ok to drink protein shakes with muscle gainer?
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Can you gain muscle without protein shake?

No, if you drink protein shakes and dont work out.. That protein will turn into fat. The reason people eat protein while working out is because they want that fat to turn into muscle. I suggest you workout while drinking protein shakes or dont drink the shakes at all.

Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

Why might one drink whey protein shakes?

One might drink whey protein shakes to help supplement their diet with additional protein. Whey protein is a very fast absorbing type of protein so it is very useful for building and repairing muscle tissue after weight training.

What is the purpose of drinking a protein drink?

The purpose of consuming protein drinks is a faster muscle formation of the human's body. That is why many bodybuilders drink special protein shakes to enhance the build-up of muscles.

How old do have to be to drink protein shakes?

There is no age limit or requirement on protein shakes, most protein shakes (whey) are fine for you if made by a trusted company. The main component of almost all protein shakes is the whey, which is a natural dairy product.

Is Cyto Gainer protein drink suitable for vegetarians?

No, it contains creatine monohydrate.

How will you get muscles?

work out and drink plenty of protein shakes

How do protein shakes supposedly enhance performance?

Protein shakes are sports drink which is added with protein besides carbohydrate. This drink is supposed to enhance performance by increasing endurance during training and recovery after training.

Can you drink protein shakes while breastfeeding?

yes. I think

Can you lose weight and not lose muscle if you stay on a liquid diet but also take vitamins and drink protein shakes?

Doing this you will still lose muscle. The only reliable way to lose fat and keep muscle is exercising.

Are there any effects if you drink protein shakes or muscle building powders when you're sick?

Depends on what you mean by effects. If you're healthy enough to eat normally, but not able to work out, then having the protein shakes and similar will be the same as overeating - with the associated risks of weight gains.

Can protein shakes stunt your growth?

no way, its like saying, can eating a steak stunt your growth?.... its protein, your body needs it to repair muscle tissue and so on, you find protein in 90% of the things you will eat and drink. we would all be migits is protein did