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It really comes down to the specific food item. Some foods are considered fine within both groups, where others are not. Specific rules about the processing of meats can vary between the two, so it is best to find out about the specific steps used in the butchering of the piece you are interested in to make sure it fits your needs.

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It depends on the particular issue you are raising. However, most Muslims feel that kosher food is much closer to halal and can be acceptable as compared to non-kosher and non-halal certified products. In general, Jewish dietary restrictions are more rigorous than Islamic ones, so this is why kosher is usually acceptable. There are two restrictions and issues, though.

Concerning Alcohol

Kahrut permits alcohol while Islamic Dietary Laws forbid it. As a result, items cooked or prepared with alcohol, such as coq au vin or tiramisu, may be completely kosher, but are haram because they include alcohol.

Concerning Meat (land animals and birds)
There are some debates among Muslims as to whether Jewish blessings during the slaughter of an animal is sufficient to qualify as tasmiyah (blessing God in an Islamic context during slaughter). The majority opinion is that since Jews bless the same God as the Muslims for the same purpose, the Jewish blessings count as tasmiyah. There is a minority opinion that the failure by Jewish butchers to say specifically "Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim" when slaughtering an animal and/or to not bless every single animal, as opposed to entire queues of animals, is sufficient to bar the consumption of kosher meat. This arises primarily as an issue in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam. No other school has an issue here. There is no other issue for a Muslim eating kosher meat.

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What is the difference between kosher food and halal food?

Not much difference - Halal is practiced by Muslims, and Kosher is practiced by Jews. Neither eat pork, and each have requirements on how their meat is slaughtered and processed.

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Yes it is. Now there is a distinction between what is Halal (permitted) and what is Thabeeha (Islamic slaughtering of meat which has certain specific requirements that may not be done in Kosher slaughtering). But permitted would be anything that is truly Kosher.

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The Muslims have their own way of slaughtering animals for food. Where that is not available, they may eat kosher food. They may eat Halal food cooked by the Jews and the Christians.

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Halal. It is like the equivalent of Jewish Kosher, but for Muslims.

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Jews and Muslims if Halal meat is not available

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There is kosher food available in Bogota including kosher restaurants. A Google search for 'kosher food bogota' pulls up all sorts of information.

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Many foods are in fact labeled halal. However, as organised kashrut certification is far more established, it only makes sense that we see these labels more often. Also, kosher food is considered acceptable by most Muslims so some companies may not see the need to get dual certification.

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The Muslims rule for food are (halal & haram)

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halal or kosher food

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Haram (literally, "forbidden") The OK food is "halal." Pretty much the same as "treyf" and "kosher." ___________________________________________ For information on what food is allowed for Muslims to eat and not eat, kindly refer to related question below.

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A Jew who keeps strict kosher cannot eat halal food since the standards in kashrut are stricter than in halal. In kashrut, (1) mixing meat and dairy is prohibited, (2) more animals are forbidden relative to halal, (3) halal slaughter techniques are less strict than Jewish ones.

Is kosher meat halal?

Yes, if Muslim food is not available.