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There are many opinions out there. I use protein powder after I swim and it really has improved my muscle mass, but that is just an opinion. There are many different brands and I think you should read the labels of the powder's to make sure it is right for you.

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Q: Is protein powder really that good for muscle building?
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You are 32 what would be the best supplement for you to build muscle?

I think the best all round is Maximuscle cyclone but it's super expensive. All anyone really needs is some protein powder and creatine, no need for anything really fancy.

Does a protein help build tissues such as bone and muscles?

While protein does not play a vital role in building bone tissue, it does help by speeding up the growth of muscle tissue cells, so it can be used to build muscle in the body. The primary function of a protein, when consumed in the diet, is to repair and build cells, including the muscle cells damaged when exercising to the point of momentary fatigue. Proteins are present in all living organisms and include many essential biological compounds such as enzymes and antibodies. Proteins have often been described as the 'backbone' of cells as they possess a structural role in the cell walls. Protein is needed for all tissue growth, repair and replenishment. If there is more protein available than necessary for building blocks, it can also be used as a source of dietary energy. Get your daily dose of protein with GRD Bix protein diskettes filled with Class 1 protein and available in several delicious flavours to please your taste buds. These are protein-rich snacks you can eat on the go as they come as a healthy alternative to unhealthy cravings with 1.4 g protein, 22 Kcal, and 18 essential nutrients per diskette. GRD provides sugar-free protein diskettes and sugar free protein powder for your dietary needs which can be calculated using the BMI Protein Calculator

Does whey protein help you tone muscle?

Whey is just protein, which helps build muscle. There isn't really such thing as "toning" it. Once it is broken down in the gym, it is then repaired with protein a central part of this process.

What are some good bodybuilding products from Tropicana Fitness?

Whey protein supplements are good for bodybuilding. This product can really enhance exercising. This supplement utilizes hormones to improve calorie burning and muscle building.

Is your metabolism messed up if you used to be anorexic and you're now eating around 1400 calories a day and can't stop gaining weight?

If you were anorexic, you probably lost a lot of muscle mass. It will take you a while to build back muscle and muscle is where you burn calories. Try building muscle mass. Eat plenty of calories and specifically 60 to 80 protein grams or more and exercise to build back muscle mass. You really need to get healthy again and you'll only do that by building muscle.

How can vegetarians build muscle?

They can eat a variety of vegetables with protein, calcium, and other needed nutrients as their daily meals. They can also drink one glass of whole milk or low fat milk before working out and drink one glass of protein shake after workout. Any how there is a worldwide mith that vegetariandiet really can't boost the muscle toning and mass building.......!?

Is workout necessary for protein powder?

There really isn't any reason to take it if you're not working out! Protein is for muscle rehydration, recovery, and strengthening, it enables you to train harder and longer. If you're not working out, the meat in your your every day diet is likely more that enough already. Protein also wont make you muscular, it just doesnt work like that. Remeber, most Americans already get more than the necessary amount or protein.

Does eating more protein make you stronger?

Yes it does A person the consume protein can gain Muscle from the Fatty omega-3 in the food But you have to watch out for the Fats that why you eat chicken fish beef and other kinds of proteins and by a month you will be really strong

Is protein powder good for women?

I think soy protein is better because it contains hormones that are good for women. I heard it really doesn't matter whether to take soy or whey protein, but if you want an "extra" edge, then soy protein is the way to go.

What foods should I eat to help me grow muscle?

To grow muscle, you need to eat protein. This can be found in special protein bars. You can get these in multiple flavors. Eggs (scrambled or fried) have an excellent source of protein. Also, eat pasta. This really helps. And, be sure that if you have dessert, you drink calcium-rich milk.

How do you get not sore?

you have to use the muscle more or eat protein and stretch protein is yogurt steak chicken and other things that is really all i know hope i helped

Are protein shakes really worth the money?

Protein shakes will not instantly build muscle. So if you use them do not expect them to show results the next day. You have to work out or do some kind of exercise for them to do anything.