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According to Pyrex it does. I'm not sure why this is; my best guess is that if the oven heats up unevenly while the Pyrex is in there (like maybe the rack gets extra hot first) the temperature differentials on the glass can stress it.

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Should you lowere the oven temperature when using pyrex?

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Q: Should you lower the oven temperature when using pyrex?
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Is Pyrex safe for using with metal mixer blades?

NO! The velocity of the mixer blades, combined with their hardness, is way too high to touch glass without breaking it... even Pyrex. You will be eating shards of glass, whether you can see them or not.

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Is microwave ruined when using previous Pyrex garden chemicals were used?

If you were using garden chemicals in the microwave, it is probably ruined as the microwave contains many plastics that can retain and absorb chemicals. Don't trust your food with any herbicides or pesticides. On the other hand if the chemicals were only used in a Pyrex dish that has been in the microwave, there may be no problem at all. Pyrex like other glass objects does not retain or absorb chemicals and is easily washed (this is part of the reason it is used for chemical laboratory glassware).

How do you clean pyrex pan using house products?

Pyrex usually cleans up pretty well if you just let it soak then scrub normally (and repeat as needed). If there's material that you really can't get off and you don't have scouring pads (like SOS) you can use baking powder (like Arm & Hammer). It isn't unusual to have some discoloration around the edge on a well used pyrex :)

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How is Pyrex glass unbreakable?

Direct exposure to firePutting it directly on an open flame. If you do it accidentally, let it cool thoroughly before using. I did it once, left it for 5 minutes, then poured room-temperature soup into it and it shattered. The same thing will happen if you put hot pyrex down in a wet (cool) sink. Also putting it directly onto a stove burner. My mother did this once by accident (forgetting the burner was hot) and it exploded, throwing glass shards all over the room. Very dangerous.Additional hazardsThere are a couple of other things you need to avoid. Shock will break Pyrex, just as it breaks any glass product. Glass is inherently brittle, and will not respond kindly to concentrated force. Lastly, if a Pyrex piece is scratched in the right way, it will break spontaneously. We often see older Pyrex wares with lots of little scratches in them. But a scratch presents what is called a stress riser in the glass. It is a place a break can "start" in that piece of Pyrex, and a scratch weakens the overall structure at that point. Dropping a heavy spoon into a scratched bowl might be all it takes to propagate a crack.

Why is it not possible to have a temperature below 0 Kelvin in terms of kinetic energy?

Temperature is the measure of the motion of a particle. The lower the temperature, the slower the atoms are moving. 0 degrees kelvin means that there is no movement at all, including a total lack of motion of the electrons orbiting the nucleus. We can artificially induce very low temperatures in an atom using very advanced techniques using lasers, but we have yet to be able to reach actual 0. This is because it actually takes energy to lower the temperature and as long as there is energy in the system, the temperature cannot be 0 degrees.

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There are vitamins and supplements to help lower blood pressure. You should ask our doctor about getting a prescription. Using the vitamins along with a good diet should help.