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Yes! Stretching not only helps you from feeling like you just got of a mosh pit. But allows more blood to flow through your muscles allowing you to work out more proficiently (spelling?) the next time you decide to hit the weights, run your routine and so forth. This also helps towards gaining muscle mass if your interested in that, due to the muscles not being as tight; it allows room for them to expand! Hope this long answer that could have been made simple, answers your question. :)

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15y ago

relax strained muscles Flexibility is the ability to stretch your muscles and the tendons and ligaments that connect them to your bones.

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Q: Should you stretch after working out?
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Should I do a pre workout stretch before each workout?

You should always stretch before working out. Failing to stretch properly before a workout will result in injuries. Shin splints are a common injury for runners and they are frequently a result of not properly stretching out. "Mountain climber" exercises are a great way to improve agility and speed.

When should you stretch when exercises?

always. If you think your going to strain your mussles then you should stretch. even then you should stretch so you don't hurt your self.

Is it better to stretch before or after working out?

it is preferably better to stretch before you work out rather than after working out because your muscles need to be warmed up so you'll not feel uneasy working out. also stretching before working out can minimize the excessive working of the muscles.

How should you stretch before running workout?

you should stretch your legs and arms for warming up

After your run is over what should you do and why?

you should stretch

Should you bounce when you stretch your muscles?

no when you bounce, you do not get a proper stretch at all. hold you stretch for 10 to 20 seconds without bouncing.

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Should you stretch before maximal exertion?


How do I stop cramps and how do I prevent it?

To stop cramps when they happen a person should stretch the muscle as much as they can or apply ice. To prevent the onset of cramp one should remain hydrated, drinking lots of water and do stretching exercises before working out.

Should you stretch before you sleep?

There is nothing wrong with a good stretch before sleeping. I rather enjoy it myself.

How do you stretch nipple piercing?

You should get a professional to do it with a taper.

Should you warm up on the treadmill before weights?

no, you should stretch instead