

Should you warm up before gentle exercise?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Gentle exercise in it'self is an excellent way to warm up.

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Q: Should you warm up before gentle exercise?
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Do A Low-Impact Warm-Up

Should you walk before or after exercise for the best results?

You should walk or stretch before and after exercise, as a warm-up and a cool-down, for the best results.

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Should you stretch before you exercise why?

You should because it makes your muscles more flexible

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no it is a vital warm up/down before and after you play sport

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it depends on how bad your asthma is. most people with bad asthma use their inhaler before and after exercise if needed

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No because that is one of the exercises that warm you up.

A warm up should be similar to the exercise you are going to perform but at a pace?


What are the importance of stretching?

Static stretching (stationary stretches) is important after exercise to prevent cramping and tightness in muscles that can develop into muscle tears and strains later on. Before exercise static stretching should be kept to a minimum as it limits power from the muscles. Dynamic stretches should be used before exercise to prevent injury and properly warm up the body. Generally stretching is important because it prevents injury during and after exercise.

Why should a warm up form part of your fitness routine?

Warm-ups should be done because they ease the muscles into a state where a lot of pulling and stretching can ensue; if one does not warm up before exercising, their muscles will not be ready for so much activity and they may be excessively tired after exercise, or even hurt.

How long should the warm up portion of your exercise program last?

2 minutes