

Stones that attain good energy

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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A couple of easily obtainable possibilities.

AMETHYST: Aids in divination; Courage; Dispels illusion; Dreams; Gives peace of mind; Happiness; Healing; Helps good judgement; Love; Meditation; Overcoming Alcoholism; Peace; Protection; Protection to travellers & from thieves; Psychism; Purification; Success in business; To insure "right" is done in cases of law.

CITRINE: Anti-Nightmare; Clear thinking; Creativity; Direction; Dreams; Endurance; Facilitates psychic awareness; Improves self-image/confidence; Manifests personal power; Prosperity; Protection; Psychism; Removes fear, & ensures restful sleep; Sexual energiser; Success.

FLUORITE: Absorbs, &/or alters negativity; Aids intellect, concentration & mental agility; Discernment; Dreams; Fairy realms; Heals energy drains in the aura; Meditation; Past lives; Quells strong emotion; Reduces emotional involvement in a situation; Technology; To ground, balance & focus energy.

HEMATITE: Astral projection; Balancing & focusing energy; Banishing nightmares; Clear, calm reasoning; Communication skills; Divination; Draw good relationships; Focus attention on the physical plane; Grounding; Healing; Insomnia; Physical strength; Stabilising; In an elixir to diminish defencelessness.

PERIDOT: Attracts occult power; Body tonic; Calm; Clairvoyance; Guards against enchantment; Healing; Inner vision; Intuition; Love; Money; Opens awareness; Prosperity; Protection; Relieves depression; Sleep; Solar power;

Soul-mates; Ward/dispel negativity; Wealth bearer.

QUARTZ CRYSTAL, Clear: The Shaman's or Witch's stone. Amplifier; Attain goals; Attainment; Balance; Channelling; Cleanse aura; Courage; Divination/Scrying; Energy; Focus stone for a wand; Grounding; Healing; Intuition; Lactation; Meditation; Pendulum work; Power; Psychic/Spiritual Power; Projection; Protection; Psychic/Spiritual Protection; Purity; Speaking with the dead; Success; To store, focus, direct, transmit and/or amplify energy; Used to bring rain; relieve headaches; for personal psychic protection; and in many magical tools. Vision quest. In an elixir for protection.

QUARTZ CRYSTAL, Rose: Attracts love; Creativity; Comfort; Companionship; Eases tension; Emotional healing; Happiness; Love; Opens heart chakra; Pacifier; Peace; Promotes peace, happiness & fidelity in relationships; ; Self-confidence; Stimulates love. Used in an elixir for self discipline and responsibility.

TURQUOISE: Shaman's stone. Calming; Communication; Courage; Friendship; Good fortune/luck; Healing; Health; Increases spirituality; Intuition; Joy; Love; Loyalty; Luck; Meditation; Money; Peace of mind; Promotes youth; Protection; Protect from the evil eye, disease, serpents, poison, violence, accidents & falling; Protect the physical body from harm; Protect the spirit; Putting thought into words; Social life; Strengthens all chakras; Success; Travel; Unify physical/spiritual; Verbal communication; Vision; Wealth. In elixir to open awareness, find creative solutions to problems & curb fear of the dark.

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