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Canada achieved its autonomy valiantly through the last century. In the begining of the century, Canada was able to gain some identity internationally when the Canadian Expedition Force captured the Vimy Ridge successfully in World War One. After the war ended, the Prime Minister of Canada, Robert Borden fought for the country's independence by gaining a seat for Canada in the Paris Peace Conference and later having a signature from Canada on the Treaty of Versille. When Britain realized that Canada is too much of a burden to carry, and it is becoming more independent, the government sent an investigator, Lord Balfour, to examine the situation. Lord Balfour created the report call the Balfour Report, stating that Canada should become independent. After many debates and considerations, the Statue of Westminister was passed, and the Balfour Report was passed into a law, making Canada a country that is equal in status with Britian, having its own laws, taxes, and government. However, the consistution was not brought back to Canada due to the fact that the provincial and the federal government in Canada could not agree on the new consistution. Later, in 1982, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau introduced the Canada Act, which includes the Consitution Act, bring the Consitution back to Canada, with the signature of Queen Elizabeth.

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Q: To what extent had Canada achieved autonomy from Britain between 1900 and 1982?
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Canada's tie with Britain began to loosen because Canada was beginning to achieve autonomy. Autonomy is whats known as complete control over your own affairs. Canada wanted full independence from Britain. Events that led to the start of Canada's Autonomy were: Chanak Affair, Halibut Treaty, the King-Byng Crisis, the Balfour Report, New Foriegn Emabassies, and The Statue of Westminister.

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Depending on how one defines "autonomy" the answer will vary. With respect to political autonomy, in 1867, Canada was styled a separate "dominion" with authority to establish its own representative government. In 1931, Canada was given power to pass and amend its own laws without final approval of the British Parliament, except for those laws which were "Constitutional" in character. In 1982, Canada was given power to amend its own Constitution, thus divesting Britain of any remaining legislative authority over Canada.

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Canada achieved independence from Great Britain with the passing of the British North America Act on the 1st July 1867. Canada remained a member of the the British Commonwealth.

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Because autonomy showed that countries do not gain anything from their colonies resources therefore britain did for their own v=benefit because they did't want to spend so much money on canada.

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Canada's independence was solidified with the signing of the Constitution Act in 1982, which transferred the power to amend its constitution from the UK to Canada. This act affirmed Canada's autonomy internationally as a self-governing nation.

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Canada and Britain are and always shall be allies and partners in the Commonwealth. They never have been, and never shall be, at war against one another.

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Between Canada and Mexico: The United States of America Between Canada and Russia: Several European countries, including Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Sweden, and Holland (the Netherlands).

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he kept Canada out of the war on Iraq

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Compare and contrast how the US and Canada achieved independence?

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