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This all depends on the criteria used to evaluate a good leader. Do you use a standard that involves character, political philosophy or how well the person adhered to his own philosophy? It's also important to remember that Jefferson had a political career long before being elected as our third president. If one wants to evaluate his leadership over the broad spectrum of his career as opposed solely to his presidency then this would also be a factor. Jefferson unlike today was not seen by all as a heroic figure. During the American Revolution he was criticized for his lack of leadership and of even abandoning Virginia during a British invasion for which he was accused of being "pusillanimous [lacking courage] conduct". This would cause his political career to halt for awhile. He would be appointed to the state legislature of Virginia after this in 1783. Everyone identifies Jefferson as being the author of the Declaration of Independence. However while not being inaccurate it is misleading. Jefferson was on a committee known by its creative name, the Committee of Five, that was formed to draft such a document. The other members being Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman. Jefferson was selected to write what was always expected to be an initial draft that would be and was in fact edited by other members. The original of Jefferson was significantly different. Some even accused Jefferson of plagiarizing John Locke. Depending on your personal political philosophy Jefferson was either one of the greatest, worst, or somewhere in between other leaders. If judged on his presidency alone then a case be made that he was a good but imperfect leader. He repealed many direct taxes, repealed the illegal Alien and Sedition Act, pardoned those convicted under such Act, supported an expedition to the western frontier, fought and won the First Barbary War, and established the United States Military Academy at West point. However as with most politicians he also failed to live up to his own principles. By his own admission he acquired a huge portion of land unconstitutionally with the Louisiana Purchase. Another political fallout came when he imposed the draconian Embargo of 1807 which called for restrictions on Amercan shipping. Rhode Island was devastated by this embargo This was inconsistent with his understanding of state's rights. Jefferson also enforced the forceful removal of Indians from their lands. On a personal level, the accusation of having had an affair with his slave Sally Hemming has no conclusive evidence to support it. It was first brought up by a disgruntled muckraking political opponent. His views on slavery were realistic for his time. He was progressive in that he desired to see the awful institution abolished forever and never had anything positive to say about slavery. His language on the subject was appropriately harsh. However the realities on the ground kept him form seeing how abolition could be carried out in his lifetime. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was based on an earlier ordinance by Jefferson and was the basis for the 1787 ordinance's outlawing of slavery in the territories. Unlike Washington, Jefferson believed Congress had the authority to abolish slavery in the territories. A recent book by libertarian writer Ivan Eland called Recarving Mount Rushmore surprised many by giving a less then satisfactory appraisal of Jefferson from a libertarian criteria. Surprising because Jefferson is usually seen as a patron saint among libertarians. However Eland's analysis is fair and accurate and is worth reading since his rankings of presidents is based on different criteria then other rankings.

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Thomas Jefferson was a very strong leader. He contributed to the U.S. Constitution and he was a very successful person even as a child.

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