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Q: What abnormal laboratory results is consistent with a diagnosis of hemophilia type B?
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Can you get a test if you are pregnant to see if your child has hemophilia?

It is possible to diagnose Hemophilia in the fetus during pregnancy by demonstrating the abnormal gene.

Is hemophilia a genetic disorder in which an abnormal form of hemoglobin is produced?


Will a heterozygous female with hemophilia have blood that will clot normally?

Yes, because Hemophilia is recessive (if you have a normal allele, you won't have hemophilia, and heterozygous means that you have one normal and one abnormal allele).

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Which of the following laboratory tests would be abnormal for a patient with anemia?

Hematocrit and hemoglobin

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Any abnormal laboratory testing result is that one which is not according to standard levels. However, an abnormal result doesn't mean that it is serious, unless such result is too high or too low.

Diagnosis 793.1 means what?

Nonspecific abnormal findings on radiological and other examination of lung field

What causes haemophilia?

Hemophilia is a disorder that is defined by the absence of one or more proteins required for blood clotting. If a person with hemophilia is injured, the bleeding is prolonged because a clot forms very slowly. This can lead to massive internal as well as external bleeding from serious injuries.

What is anterior hypokinesis?

Hypokinesis of the mid- to distal anterior wall. There was abnormal septal motion, consistent with the postoperative state.

What is 792.1 in medical terms?

792.1 is a diagnosis code indicating abnormal color or content of stool, including hidden blood in the stool. It is not a medical diagnosis, but a code indicating a sign or symptom.

Can you say inauspicious pathology?

Yes, although a more common phrase used is "normally abnormal" - in absolute terms the lesion described is abnormal but is it a commonly seen lesion that does not clarify or impact the diagnosis.