

What are bands in electrophoresis?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What are bands in electrophoresis?
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Which technique was use to produce these bands?

Gel electrophoresis

What is the role of EtBr in electrophoresis?

Ethidium bromide interchalates with DNA. It doesn't affect electrophoresis, but it help visualise the DNA bands after electrophoresis. The EtBr that is bound to the DNA will fluoresce under ultraviolet light.

Are restriction enzymes used in gel electrophoresis?

For DNA gel electrophoresis, yes. Once the DNA is cut up into different-sized fragments, they can be electrophoresed to separate bands.

When is DNA cut during electrophoresis?

Electrophoresis technique is not designed to cut DNA molecule. When DNA is analyzed by electrophoresis to determine its molecular mass, the molecular biology engineer usualy digests the DNA molecule, before the electrophoresis, with specific enzymes called "restriction enzymes" in order to obtain fragments of diverse molecular weights that can be seen as bands in electrophoresis gels.

How do you avoid smearing of DNA bands in gel electrophoresis?

Make sure the voltage does not run over 200.

What is role of agarose of electrophoresis?

agarose helps in the separation of DNA bands by controlling the pore size of agarose gel

If all the bands on an electrophoresis gel are the same color the single stranded DNA sample consisted of one kind of?


What is the pattern of dark bands on photographic film that is made when DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and tagged?

DNA fingerprint

Why does the the florescense appear in the chaneels only n not in the form of moving bands While performing Gel electrophoresis For DNA detection?

Only the bands should show fluorescence, you must be doing the technique wrong..

DNA samples taken from Dolly and the sheep that donated the body cell would show what patterns of bands on an electrophoresis gel?

DNA samples taken from Dolly and the sheep that donated the body cell showed the same patterns of bands on an electrophoresis gel. Dolly became the first cloned mammal which then led to the cloning of pigs, dogs, and mice.

What kind of pattern of bands on an electrophoresis gel would show from the DNA samples taken the Dolly?

They would be the same since Dolly is clone.

What method could you use to further separate two bands from the same protein fraction after SDS-PAGE?

Electrophoresis is the method that could be used to further separate two bands from the same protein fraction after SDS-PAGE.