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Sugar is any of numerous sweet, colourless organic compounds that dissolve readily in water and occur in the sap of seed plants and the milk of mammals. Sugars (whose names end in -ose) are the simplest carbohydrates. The most common is sucrose, a disaccharide; there are numerous others, including glucose and fructose (both monosaccharides); invert sugar (a 50:50 mixture of glucose and fructose produced by enzyme action on sucrose); and maltose (produced in the malting of barley) and lactose (both disaccharides). Commercial production of sugars is almost entirely for food.
In chemistry dictionary, Variant: saccharide Any of a group of water-soluble carbohydrates of relatively low molecular weight and typically having a sweet taste. The simple sugars are called monosaccharides. More complex sugars comprise between two and ten monosaccharides linked together: disaccharides contain two, trisaccharides three, and so on. The name is often used to refer specifically to sucrose (table suga

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Q: What are some properties of sugar?
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What are some of the physical properties of a spoonful of sugar?

Some physical properties of a spoonful of sugar are mass, density, melting point, and weight (not the same as mass).

What are properties of sugar?

i thick it sugar

What are physical properties of table sugar?

There are numerous physical properties of table sugar. Some of these include being colorless, odorless, fine, sweet tasting, and a type of powder that contains crystals.

How do properties of sugar and water alone compared to the properties of sugar and water combined solution?

It is the same

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what are the different properties of sugar and its funtion in food preparation.

How do compare the volume of sugar solution and pure water?

The properties of sugar and water alone is a liquid and a solid. The properties of sugar-water solution is a liquid.

What are the chemical properties of sugar?

SUGAR is a carbohydrate.If we talkk about its chemical properties,it is jst a simple molecule composed of glucose (or starch).

Why is molecule the smallest particle that can be chemically separated from sugar and has all the properties of sugar?

Because atoms of C, H or O has no similar properties compared to the molecule of sugar.

What is the properties of solution in sugar?

No effect

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What is the smallest particle of sugar that can still exhibit all the properties of sugar?

A monosaccharide (a molecule of sugar).