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You get pimples as a stage in puberty. If you're an adult and you're getting pimples it's because your face is dirty. To get rid of them as someone going through puberty you should wash your face, same for adults. DON'T WASTE MONEY AND GET PROACTIVE!!!!!! all you need is facial cleansers.

Pimples are also caused by a build-up of oil on the face. Don't overwash your face, though! Washing your face too much actually stimulates the oil glands in your skin, causing more oil to come out. I personally believe that some people naturally get pimples more easily than others. My advice: wash your face properly, twice a day, and just wait out puberty.

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14y ago
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6y ago
  • Too much junk food and dairy products such as Milk Chocolate can cause pimples. Try to improve your eating habits.
  • The blockage of your pores may be caused by excess oils in your skin. This may come from consuming greasy foods, junk foods, and dairy products.
  • Pimples are caused by dirt and other foreign material getting caught in your pores. This leads to a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Your body fights off the little collection of bacteria, thus the all too familiar red bulge of a pimple forms in the battle of body versus bacteria.
  • Pimples are small skin lesions or inflammations of the skin. They are commonly caused by clogged or infected pores. They usually develop after whiteheads or blackheads have become infected. It's some sort of skin disease that really affects pores and follicles.

there are many causes of pimples. here are the most common ones:

if your skin is oily (usually some peoples' skin is naturally like that)

if there is dirt accumulation

if your body heats up (due to excess consumption of mango...or during the menstrual cycle for girls)

here are the cures.


apply a mixture of salt and olive oil on the pimple over night. coconut oil also works. lemon can be used, but make sure you apply it all over your face and neck as it makes your skin fairer.


you can use an astringent if your skin isn't all that sensitive.

to dry out the pimple, you can mix turmeric with hot water and salt. this will reduce swelling and will eventually remove the pimple.


another cause of pimples are eating excess oily food. go ahead and eat your oily food though, the methods above are more than enough to help you.
a cause of a pimple is because of bacteria and is mostly blamed on oily foods the best way to control it is to eat healthier and try using clean and clear facial wash it works for me and i hope it works for you
Bacteria such as dirt and oils build up on the surface of your skin, and sometimes can get into your pours. This causes a minor infection (hense the redness outside of the pimple) of the skin. This is why it's important to cleanse your face at least once a day (it's probably better to clear it before you go to bed).
Clogged pores. Sebum makes the skin greasy and encourages dead skin cells to block pores causing white or black heads. The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes normally lives on the skin and can cause irritation and redness around a blocked pore. If the bacterium gets into the pore then a spot will form.

Acne is not a product of bad diet or bad hygene. It is directly related to the amount of sebum (oil) produced in the skin. Sebum is regulated by testosterone. Tesosterone levels increase in both male and female during puberty and is a major factor in teen and early adult acne. Changes in hormone levels during pregnancy can cause an outbreak of acne.

Although acne is not infectious and cannot therefore be transmitted to another by contact, there is a hereditory link; if parents suffered from acne their offspring are more likely to suffer. See the related link below.

There are many causes of acne and it is hard to determine them for each individual.

Some of the most common acne causes are:

- stress

- genetic predisposition

- nutrition

- health related problems

- cosmetic products

- medical products (such as steroids, some forms of anti-depressants; oral contraceptives or anti-epilepsy drugs that can make a person's skin flare up)
a bacteria combines with chemicals and hormones in your body, causing a blockage underneath your skin. it builds up and up and there you have it. that is what causes spots.
For sure I know that when you don't wash you face clean enough, you will have pimples. You can tell if you face is not clean by the oil on your face.

I hoped this helped a bit... sorry if its not enough info...

Acne Causes

Several factors contribute to the development of acne. The primary problem is that the abnormal flaking of cells inside the hair follicle leads to the formation of a plug. The plug can enlarge and even rupture the hair follicle. A ruptured hair follicle spills its contents of oil and debris into the skin where it leads to swelling and causes redness (inflammation).

  • Bacteria that normally live on the skin also play a role in acne development. The bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes are responsible for causing acne. These bacteria produce substances that cause redness and irritation (inflammation). They also make enzymes, which dissolve the sebum (oil from oil glands in the skin) into irritating substances. These substances also make the inflammation worse.
  • Certain hormones called androgens are an additional factor in causing acne. Androgens are male hormones that are present in both men and women, but are higher in men. Androgens do two things: First, they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin. Second, they cause these glands to increase sebum (oil) production. The increased sebum leads to plug formation and serves as more "food" for the bacteria. Androgens surge at puberty, which is why teens develop armpit and pubic hair, and why boys develop facial hair and deeper voices. This hormonal surge also contributes to the development of acne in teens.
  • Estrogens, which are the female hormones, actually can help to improve acne in girls. A woman's monthly menstrual cycle is due to changes in the estrogen levels in her body. This is why acne in a female may get better and then get worse as she goes through her monthly cycle. A doctor may recommend acne treatment with Birth Control pills, which contain the helpful estrogens.
  • We also now believe that acne can run in some families. This may be due to some genetic factor that has not yet been discovered.
  • Anatomy of the hair follicle: Hair follicles exist on virtually all skin except for the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Inside the follicle, the hair extends up from the deep layers of the skin and comes out of a pore. Near the surface, the oil gland (sebaceous gland) enters the hair follicle where it empties oil (sebum) at a relatively constant rate. The sebum lubricates the skin and provides a protective barrier to prevent drying. Skin on the face, chest, and back has an especially large number of sebaceous glands. These are the areas where acne occurs.
  • Acne lesions: There are 2 major types of acne lesions: noninflammatory and inflammatory. Noninflammatory acne lesions include blackheads (open comedones) and whiteheads (closed comedones). Open and closed comedones along with papules and pustules are referred to as papulopustular acne-a form of inflammatory acne. Nodular acne is the most severe form of inflammatory acne.
    • Noninflammatory acne: Open comedones result from the enlargement and dilation of a plug that forms from oil and flakes of skin inside the hair follicle.
      • The hair follicle pore remains open exposing a black plug (known as a blackhead). The dark color is not dirt inside the pore. Instead it is the oil inside the pore, which has become exposed from the outside air.
      • A closed comedo forms if the hair follicle pore remains closed. The plug in a closed comedo or whitehead is therefore not exposed to the outside air, and no black color develops. The closed comedo simply appears as a tiny, sometimes pink bump in the skin.
    • Inflammatory acne: Inflammatory acne lesions consist of red blemishes, pimples also called zits (papules, pustules), and larger, deeper swollen tender lesions (nodules).
      • Papules are closed comedos, which have become red, swollen, and inflamed.
      • Pustules are closed comedos, which become inflamed and begin to rupture into the skin forming pustular heads of various sizes.
      • Nodules represent large, tender, swollen acne lesions, which have become intensely inflamed and rupture under the skin. If untreated, these can produce deep scarring.

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Acne is an inflammatory skin eruption occurring around sebaceous glands, especially around the time of puberty.

There are some treatments that you can try, but often it comes and goes. Keeping your skin clean using a gentle soap, and aloe gel may help. Wash your hair if it gets oily. Make sure your skin doesn't get too dry. Do not squeeze or pick lesions, as you may end up with an infection and/or more acne.

Most other advice regarding diet doesn't really have an effect.

You may want to visit a dermatologist for further advice.

Acne develops when excessive amounts of Sebum (oil that lubricates the hair and skin) block the pore. The hair follicle then is infected with bacteria and either whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts are formed. Acne is more common amongst teens going through puberty because of an imbalance of certain hormones such as androgens (male sex hormone). Androgens are present in both males and females. It is the imbalance of these hormones that triggers the Sebaceous glands (the gland that produces Sebum) into producing an excessive amount of oil. For more information, see the below website: "Acne Information"
Acne is caused by dead skin cells and excess oil blocking hair follicles or pores, and over time, blocked pores turn into whiteheads, blackheads, or a big fat spot.

Acne can be caused by bad diet (not always, but this could improve the condition, so make sure you eat lost of veggies!), being a teenager (like me) or just that you don't wash enough (to wash away the oils, which are waterproof)

To get your skin in better condition you should:

  • Eat better
  • get more sleep
  • Wash twice a day
  • shower every day (or every other day)
  • use an acne gel
  • Exfoliate to get rid of dead skin cells (blocked pores!)

This should help, but you should see a doctor really if you have acne, or spots like me.
The exact cause of acne is unknown, but doctors believe it results from several related factors. One important factor is rising hormone levels. These hormones, called androgens (male sex hormones), increase in both boys and girls during puberty and can cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge and make more sebum. Another factor is heredity or genetics. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. For example, studies have shown that many school-age boys with acne have a family history of the disorder.
There are several reasons a person can develop acne a few of them are diet for instance your choice of food. if it tends to be greasy or oily on a consistant basis it can cause your skin to be more oily which in turn can clog the pores. Also there can be the factor of chemical imbalances which can make your body produce to much of certain chemicals in turn causing acne . There could also be the factor of surroundings such working at restaurants where you constantly around grease or other oily pore clogging substances. high amounts of dust can be a factor as well.
it usually age and Harmon factor's. but environmental pollution and dust or allergy can also be a cause.

Main reason behind the acne problem is hormone changes. When a youngster enters into the teen or adult age, he faces this problem due to hormone changes in him. This is kind of a signal of changing hormones. Other reasons behind the acne problem includes pollution, no proper care or treatment for skin, stress, oily food and many more. Acne or pimple problem can be due to any of the above given reasons. There are many solutions present in the market for the solution of acne. You can use solutions like cream, gel or oil for your treatment.

"Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous units. Traditional etiologic factors include increased sebum production, ductal hyperkeratosis, abnormality of the microbial flora within the pilosebaceous unit, and mediators of inflammation. Recent developments do not refute these familial elements, but rather refine particular aspects. Interleukin-1a influences hypercornification of the infundibulum as well as the inflammatory response by inducing the production of vascular endothelial growth factor in dermal papilla cells and follicular keratinocytes of the pilosebaceous unit. New retinoids have been developed based on controlling cellular proliferation and differentiation in the pilosebaceous unit by their action on nuclear receptors of cells. Dermal inflammation is not due to presence of bacteria, but from biologically active mediators produced by Propionibacterium acnes. The environment within the pilosebaceous unit is probably more important than the absolute number of P. acnes organisms. Indeed, the major role of the sebaceous gland appears to be supplying P. acnes needed nutrients. Moreover, the microbiologic principle of biofilms appears to be applicable to P. acnes in acne."

Acne is most often caused by bacteria and hormones. Bacteria dissolve the sebum from the skin's oil glands, causing irritation. Hormones can enlarge oil glands in the skin and increase oil production.
The major causes of acne on the face is improper cleaning, stress, spicy foods, over usage of chemicals, puberty, and oily skin. You can treat these by visiting your dermatologist.

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11y ago
  • To get rid of acne and pimples buy some acne cream or to prevent them wash your face often.
  • It's great if you will eat more fruits and vegetables avoid oily foods. Use if possible like the natural products orange, papaya, lemon juice, fenugreek, groundnut oil and etc. Don't freak or touch your pimples.
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15y ago

okay i know this will probably be a LONG answer but it really works!! so trying to get rid of pimples are you ?? well there are many ways to get rid of them but there are ways that : leave scars come back and they just don't go away !!! to stop actually getting pimples you need to eat healthy keep your face and hands clean, and don't put too much make up or other things that may hurt your face. Popping pimples may seem the easiest way to get rid of em ..but DON'T use your fingernail's could damage your skin and push the bacteria which causes the pimples ..even further into the skin and will make your pimples scarier and redder than before, also another tip if you have a red big ...zit! but it has a white top on it LEAVE it!! it will go away slowly but you will cause more if you pop that one. try using tooth paste on your pimples but only put a LITTLE bit on because it could infect if you put too much on. you can try to use products ..they work no doubt , but if you see no improvement in your pimples and they are still looking angry and red see your doctor and just ask them why they aren't going away! it could just be very minor and you aren't using the right product but just to be sure see you local doctor( if thy AREN'T going away ) another tip you could do is put your face in warm water than try and pop them ...WITH a tissue. if you see clear stuff coming out STOP!! it isn't puss it is blood from the pimple that means you are digging into it too far!! remember you want to pop not destroy ! I hope i could help you with your pimple problem and you can try so much more stuff than what i just told you !! remember prevent getting pimples stay healthy and clean !!!

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13y ago

Pimples are, according to the dictionary, small and usually inflamed swelling or elevation of the skin; papule or pustule.

Pimples are actually buildups of bacteria beneath the skin. I won't go into detail, because it would take a while, but they are really just areas of the skin that are clogged with oils, sweat, dead skin cells, or certain products we use.

There are several ways you can get pimples:

1. Genes

If your parents had acne, you will. It's as simple as that. Most kids get acne as a preteen and teenager, and whether or not your acne will be a major problem is up to your genetic makeup.

2. Stress

Stress can actually lead to these pimples, because of all the buildups in your hormones.

3. Puberty

Of course, the dreaded becoming a teenager releases a lot of hormones that cause the body to go a little crazy, causing breakouts of pimples.

4. Makeup or Beauty Products

Clogging up your skin with these products can block pores, leading to buildups of oil and dirt in your skin, which, ultimately, leads to acne.

5. Uncleanliness

If your rarely wash you face, then it's pretty likely that dirt, oil, sweat, skin cells, and lots of other gross things will clog your pores and give you acne.

I hope this helped! For more info, just use Google!

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11y ago

getting stress

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Related questions

How can one find out what causes pimples?

You can find causes of pimples online at the WebMD and MayoClinic websites. Once on the page, type "pimples" or "acne" into the search field to bring up the information.

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It causes pimples.

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Can you get pimples from lack of sex?

No. Skin problems have nothing to do with sex. Not washing your skin or taking care of it is causes pimples.

Why do you have pimples on your face?

Your face has pimples because it produces an oil called sebum. If you don't wash your face regularly the sebum builds up and therefore causes a breakout of pimples.

What causes pimples and blackheads?

Oily Faces. You have to WASH YOUR FACE!!

What causes purplish pimples on your stomach?

Pimples that form on the stomach are generally ingrown hairs. They are often mistaken for pimples, when they are then popped they tend to become infected.

What is acne bacillus?

Acne Bacillus causes pimples and acne. It is found in blood, wounds, intestines, pimples, and the pus in pimples when you squeeze them. You can prevent by using acne creams that clean the bacteria from your face.

What causes zits and pimples?

The clogging of pores with dirt, bacteria, etc.

Do sexual activity causes pimples?

i don't think so, but they can cause herpies.

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What causes pimples and how can you prevent or stop it?

Pimples are caused by dirt and oil in the pores of the skin. You can prevent them by washing your face and using a cream from the drug store. An astringent will sometimes help if your skin is oily.