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Q: What are the first signs of a hamster giving birth?
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Are there eating process signs a hamster is giving birth?

When a hamster is getting ready to give birth, she will likely refuse food. She will make a nest, and will not want to leave it.

What are the first signs of your hamster beginning her pregnancy?

Saving up food and making a nest

What are the signs of a nervous hamster?

If a hamster is scared or nervous it may bite you.

What are the labor signs in giving birth?

The breaking of the water and contractions are two common signs that a woman is in labor. A sudden shortness of breath can occur as the fetus drops lower in preparation for birth, nausea or vomiting could occur as hormones surge. Some of these symptoms are can occur weeks before the birth (especially the shortness of breath) if it is the woman's first child

What the symptoms for postnatal depression?

Postnatal depression will show signs of onset within the first week of giving birth, and will involve malaise, inability to relax, yet feeling drained all the time,

How do you know if your dwarf hamster has mites?

If your dwarf hamster has signs of hair loss lots or itching and green hammy manure then these signs may be theresult of mites

Can a Fancy hamster live with a teddy bear hamster?

They should be able to but I would put them together in a box or something first to see how they get along, and if they show signs of fighting, I wouldn't put them together

Syrian hamster dying- what are the signs?

ur hamster will be very slow in his or her movement and will not eat as much as usually it does and it will hardly move about

Teddy bear hamster dying?

how old is he/she and what are the signs? sickness or oldness?

Are there signs you can observe that shows a hamster needs to pee?

Well, if my hamster needs to do its business, my hamster usually gets into a comfortable spot and stays still for a while stareing at somethinghope you find out!

Could certain smells making you feel sick and things tasting different be signs of pregnancy?

No, giving birth is confirmation of pregnancy. Sensitivity to odors is sometimes a side effect in pregnancy.

Your dwarf hamster just fell off your dresser and its pregnant what do you do?

How did the hamster land? Are they limping at all? It all depends on how the hamster is. If it shows any signs of injury or pain then I would take her to the vets.