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Becoming a Forensic ScientistYou will need at a minimum a Bachelors degree in a science such as chemistry, Biology, or physics. Your coursework should ideally include microscopy, statistics, and lab work. A masters of forensics would give you better opportunities in the laboratory. You must go out into the real world and not be afraid to see things that others might find scary.

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13y ago

To prepare for a career in forensic science, you should have had some courses in math, computers, Earth Sciences, biology, or chemistry. At a minimum, almost all jobs in this field require at least a bachelor's degree and depending on the employer or agency, may require graduate degrees. See the links below to find out what the what the many types and requirements are for forensic scientists.

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12y ago

From what I've heard, forensic scientists are usually expected to have at least a Masters degree, but I'm not completely sure about this - this is just what I have picked up whilst researching for university options - I'm hoping to train in forensic anthropology and possibly also genetics. I've also found that Dundee University in Scotland is apparently one of the best universities for forensics in the UK, and in the US the Western Carolina University and Wichita University both look okay. (All of these offer forensic science (in some form) and Bachelor degree courses). Try searching the internet for some other information too - the qualification you need depends on the job you want. Hope that was useful.

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12y ago

four GCSE grades A-C in English and either maths or science

Students who major in antropology at Bayor University, Waco, Texas can have a forensic science emphasis. The forensic specialist in Fort Worth, Texas has a chemical engineer's degree. So, science with a background in meticulus details and problem soving seem to be the keys.

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12y ago

What country are you in? Because I'm in England and I want to become a forensic scientist and all I have to do is:

- go to college and study a minimum of 2 sciences (preferably Biology and Chemistry) at A Level for 2 years

- then go to university and study forensic science, which will take 3 years if it is undergraduate, but if you want you can do postgraduate which will take an extra 2-4 years.

once you've done that you may be required to do a year long placement to gain more experience. And once you've done that you can start searching for a job :)

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14y ago

if when you say high school- you mean an American secondary school- the you would need at least 3.5 to be considered for a job as a forensic scientist- i my self am one- but from England- i got all a*s where as my friend who got all A's and one a* didn't get a place a the university to study forensics.

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14y ago

Forensic scientists come from a variety of educational backgrounds and fields to include, criminal justice, accounting, chemistry, psychology, physics, biology and more. Forensic science positions also typically require a bachelor's degree to work in the field. Knowledge and understanding of legal procedures also can be helpful. Chemical technician positions in research and development also often have a bachelor's degree, but most chemical process technicians have a 2-year degree instead, usually an associate degree in process technology. In some cases, a high school diploma is sufficient. These workers usually receive additional on-the-job training. Entry-level workers whose college training encompasses extensive hands-on experience with a variety of diagnostic laboratory equipment generally require less on-the-job training.

Whatever their degree, science technicians usually need hands-on training either in school or on the job. Most can get good career preparation through 2-year formal training programs that combine the teaching of scientific principles and theory with practical hands-on application in a laboratory setting with up-to-date equipment. Graduates of bachelor's degree programs in science who have considerable experience in laboratory-based courses, have completed internships, or have held summer jobs in laboratories also are well qualified for science technician positions and are preferred by some employers.

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated directly below this answer section.

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· Criminalistics

· Chemistry

· Biology

· Physics

· Forensic Science

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15y ago

You will need to have a degree in chimistry, physics,or biology. Forensic science is accepted to. You can get a degree in medicine too. (required)

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Q: What are the high school graduation requirements for a forensic scientist?
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How long do you need to go to school to for a forensic scientist?

To be a forensic scientist, you have to stay in school for at least 7-8 years. But it dempends on what forensic school you attend.

How can one become a forensic scientist?

One can become a forensic scientist by completing the necessary educational requirements. In order to start, one must first graduate with a high school equivalent degree and then must complete all the forensic classes as required in a college or university.

Is a forensic scientist really a scientist?

yes they go through school just as a regular scientist does.

How many years of school are necessary to be a forensic scientist?

Forensic Technicians usually need at least a bachelor's degree (four years of school).

You got 2 c's in school for science is that good to be able to be a forensic scientist in the future?


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How do you become a forensic scientist or a forensic anthropolgist?

To become a forensic scientist, you typically need a bachelor's degree in forensic science or a related field, followed by on-the-job training or an internship. Additional certifications or a master's degree may also be beneficial. For a career as a forensic anthropologist, you usually need a doctoral degree in anthropology with a specialization in forensic anthropology. Field and lab experience, as well as certification, are highly recommended for this specialization.

What subjects are needed to become a forensic scientist when starting college?

Biology and Chemistry and possibly Physics. If your high school offers a Forensic Science class, take it.

High school graduation requirements always include?

Math,English,Science,and social studies

Is it illegal for principals to keep you home from graduation?

No. There are several reasons why you may be kept from graduation. One is if you failed the coursework and don't meet graduation requirements. The thinking is that a person who doesn't meet the requirements should not be awarded for failure. A second reason is if you got into trouble at school and were expelled. This means you are not a student in the school and can not graduate with your class. Finally, some schools will keep students from graduation if they owe money to the school ( colleges do this all the time).

What experience or knowledge is required to become a forensic scientist?

YOU NEED TO NO LIKE EVERYTHING so pay extra attention in school

What is the possible career for forensic science?

forensic scientist, you could (with a few extra years of tertiary education) become a school teacher or even take your degree to a pHd level and become a professor