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The Turkish empire, established in northern Anatolia by Osman I at the end of the 13th century and expanded by his successors to include all of Asia Minor and much of southeastern Europe. After setbacks caused by the invasion of the Mongol ruler Tamerlane in 1402, the Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453, and the empire reached its zenith under Suleiman in the mid 16th century. It had greatly declined by the 19th century and collapsed after World War I. It now is deemed the nation of Turkey. All that exists of the empire now is what currently exists of the country of Turkey, and Constantinople is now named Istanbul.

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12y ago

At its biggest which was the dawn of the 17th century, they controlled Iraq, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Northern Caucasia, Crimea (up to Don and Volga Rivers), the whole black sea coast ( it was an inner sea for them), Romania, Wallachia, Moldovia, Hungary, Souther Poland (for some time), parts of Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, the whole Aegan sea including bigger islands like Crete and Cyprus (another inner sea), Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, all small states of Souther shores of Iranian sea, Umman, Yemen, Egypt, Somalia, Eritrea, some parts of Ethiopia (red sea anothe inner sea), Libya, Tunus, Algeria, Morocco (for some time) and Anatolia for sure.

In some estimates it is believed that the empire had almost 20 million km2 of land under its administration.
Turkey, Bosnia Herzegovina, Syria, Bulgaria, Lebanon

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9y ago

The Ottoman Empire had a vast expanse of land from Europe to Africa. They controlled Hungary, parts of Russia, Greece, Turkey, parts of Persia, parts of Arabia, Egypt and Algeria.

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10y ago

The Ottoman Empire was around 7.6 million miles square. It covered some of Hungary, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Syria, Arabia, North Africa, Romania, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon.

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How much of the world did the ottoman empire control?

The Ottoman Empire controlled most of the eastern Mediterranean. It even conquered a small part of Greece. That was in the olden times.

What country took control of Iraq during World War 1?

The Ottoman Empire

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The Ottoman Empire was one of the Central Powers.

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The new territory of the Ottoman Empire was essentially just the country of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire fell after the end of World War I.

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The decline of the Ottoman Empire in the decades before World War I left a power vacuum. The European countries made secret alliances about how to take control of the former Ottoman lands, eventually leading to the war.

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The Ottoman Empire was dismantled after the First World War, it was subsequently known as Turkey. Therefore, no, it was known as Turkey during the Second World War.

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