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sandy areas of Africa, Middle East and Asia

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Q: What continent are wild gerbils mainly found on?
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Where do gerbels live?

In the Middle East, Asia, and Africa gerbils can be found living in the wild. When gerbils are in the wild they live in groups and can tell each other apart by smell.

Where are the wild tigers living today?

Mainly in Asia, Southeast Asia, is where they can be found. Tigers are animals of the Asian continent only.

What continent girrafes live on?

While giraffes can be found in zoos almost everywhere, they mainly come from Africa.

What do WILD gerbils eat?

fenic foxes eat girbils in the wild.

Which continent are commonly tiger found in wild?

Asia and Africa have the most tigers in their continent because their is more grass

From which continent do turkeys originate?

Wild turkeys are found only in North America.

What kind of homes do wild gerbils live in?

The desert

In which country do wild wolves live in?

Wolves can be found in many countries. They are mainly found in cold places, but there are many different kinds of wolves so they can live almost anywhere (not the tropics or hot places). Wolves are found the most in Canada, Russia, Greenland, Northern Europe (Iceland, Norway ,Finland, Sweden), Eastern Europe (The Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia), and Northern USA. (Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin) Wolves live on almost every continent. They are also found in mountainous places too.

How do gerbils get their food?

If their in the wild, they hunt it. If they are owned by someone you give them food. In the wild gerbils dig up roots or forage for seeds. But if they are domestic/pets then you will need to give them food.

On what continent do wombats live in the wild?

Wombats live in the wild on the continent of Australia.

Does Australia have wombats and platypuses?

Yes. Australia is the only continent where platypuses and wombats are found in the wild. There is one species of platypus, which is found in the eastern half of the continent, and three different species of wombats, which are found in the east and south.

How do wild gerbils cope in the wild for being so small?

In the deserts gerbils bury tunnels underground that they call 'chambours.' And one gerbil is in charge of that one. Gerbils often group up together to defend each other from predators such as Snakes, Birds probably.