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The simple answer would be not to have attempted an invasion of Iran in September of 1980. This resulted in a costly war between the two, which lasted for eight years, cost both countries vast amounts of money and resources, and left the Iraqi military reeling from losses which it was a long way from recovering from in 1990.

This would also have alleviated the reason Saddam launched an invasion of Kuwait, which in turn could've prevented both the Persian Gulf War and the ongoing war in Iraq.

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Q: What could Saddam Hussein had done better to win the 1990-1991 Gulf War?
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Was Saddam Hussein cooperating with Al-Qaeda long before the US and Britain invaded Iraq?

One OpinionYes he did cooperate with them.Different OpinionSaddam Hussein was actually ideologically opposed to everything Al-Qaeda stood for. He never desired or cared for religion, let alone religious politics or Islamism. Saddam Hussein was an ardent Nationalist Secularist and opposed the Internationalist Islamist agenda of Al-Qaeda. Both are notably violent philosophies and both are in the Islamic World, but that is where the similarity ends. Both people/organizations had a fundamentally different view of the world and therefore were not aligned. He did not like the idea of having to give control to small cells that he could not control directly, and he did not like the idea of directly antagonizing the West. (Many of the things he did antagonized the West, but he did not do those things desiring confrontation.) Saddam Hussein's goal was regional supremacy and had no interest in the worldwide regime change advocated by Al-Qaeda.The only reason a relationship developed between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda after the start of the war is that it quickly became clear that the Iraqi Army could not hold back the American Army and that a guerilla war would be the only viable resistance to foreign occupation. Since Al-Qaeda excels at that type of warfare, he extended an invitation for them to come in, but this occurred only AFTER the Iraq War began.

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