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Heater Core for sure. Get this replaced and you will have no more problems.

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Q: What could be the cause of soaked carpet drivers side in a 97 grand am se?
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What could be causing the front carpet passenger side to be soaked in a Pontiac Montana?

sounds like your heater core went out

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Not unless they were soaked in alcohol.

How you can dry wet carpet?

If it is really soaked, you should use a carpet-cleaning machine to suck as much of the liquid out as you can. You could also step on the area with towels and get as much liquid out as you can. Then turn on a fan and point it at the wet area. It should be dry in a day or two.

could I be allergic to my carpet I'm sick to my stomach, sometimes headache. I feel better when I'm ouside.?

Yes, carpets can contain many chemicals that could cause an alergic reaction. Cleaning the carpet might help. Airing out the carpet may also help.

Is there a Melaleuca product that can get paint out of carpet?

I use Melaleuca products and the Solumel works tremedously to get pain out of carpet. I have even used it as a paint stripper for some old door hardware that I needed to remove paint off of by submerging the pieces in the Solumel. To remove paint out of carpet, I took a cloth soaked with Solumel and let it sit on the spot until it had softened the dried paint to where I could remove it. You will have to make sure to keep the cloth wet while doing this; a sponge soaked in it may work too. I hope this helps you as it did me; I had to remove the dried paint from a brand new carpet that had just been laid!

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it will cause trafic because the drivers will watch it (If so, would you say the eclipse caused the traffic, or could it have been the distracted drivers who did ?)

What rhymes with soaked dog?

The phrase "soaked dog" could rhyme with "bloke cog" or "joke fog."

What could cause a tire on the drivers side to be hot after driving?

well, when you drive with any of the four tires being low you will cause it to over heat, or it could be making a lot of sharp turns.

What would cause loud screeching and metallic sound on drivers side by the tire?

your brake pads could be worn out.

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Yes becuse they can distract the driver and the driver could lose focus and crach.

My 1991 acura integra's engine shuts off while driving what could the cause of this?

it could be the main assembly relay under the drivers kickpanel