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1.Hitler-Pilsudski (Germany and Poland) 26 January 1934.

2.Munich Betrayal (Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy) - 29 september 1938

4. Hitler-Daladier (Germany and France) -6 December 1938

5. Selter-Ribbentrop (Germany and Estonia)-7 June 1939

6. Munters-Ribbentrop (Germany and Latvia) -7 June 1939 and only then

7. Molotov-Ribbentrop (The USSR and Germany)--23 August 1939

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On 23 August, 1939, the world was shocked when, suddenly, Russia and Germany signed a 'Non-aggression Pact'.

People would have been even more shocked if they had known at the time that, in addition, the two countries had made a number of a 'secret protocol' agreeing to 'spheres of influence' in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Poland. It amounted to an agreement to invade and divide the countries of eastern Europe between them ... with Poland first on the list.

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He signed it with Russia it was a secret agreement that split Poland between the two countries.

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Q: What country did Hitler secretly sign a Non aggression pact with that shocked the world?
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Who Pact shocked the leaders of Europe because it left Hitler free to invade poland?

The non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union.

Who did Hitler break a non aggression pact with?

Russia .

What leaders shocked the world by becoming allies in 1936?

Hitler & Stalin signed a non-aggression pact by which they agreed to divide Europe between themselves (this is formally known as the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact after the two foreign ministers who negotiated it) and which might very well have worked, too, had Hitler not decided to violate it.

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He simply told Hitler to kill himself. Therefor Hitler committed suicide.

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Stalin did not want to go to war, and Hitler didn't want Stalin to attack him, so they agreed on a non-aggression pact in which they would split Poland in half and not attack one another for 10 years. Hitler did however agree to this non-aggression pact with all the intentions of breaking it in the future and attacking Russia, which he did. Also he joined this pact because it shocked the Western powers and made them think that maybe Hitler's territorial ambitions were not as strong or as bad as they thought and making them less concerned with what he was doing.

What document did Hitler and Stalin sign?

The non-aggression pact

What did Hitler do in the summer of 1939?

In the summer of 1939 Hitler signed a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union.

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His acts of aggression included mainly the invading of other countries and the killing of millions of innocent people.

Who did Hitler claim was controlling the money and banks of Germany?

Hitler claimed the Jews was secretly controlling the economy of Germany.

Why did Hitler sign a non aggression treaty with russia?

To make USSR think that Hitler wouldn't invade USSR. But Hitler did invided USSR.

What shocked the world in 1939?

Hitler betrayed his ally, the Soviet Union.

What did Hitler and Stalin sign in the Summer of 1939?

The non-aggression pact.