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A country that is on the equator has the same sunrise and sunset times every day of the year.

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Countries located near the equator, such as Ecuador or Kenya, experience relatively consistent sunrise and sunset times throughout the year. This is due to their proximity to the equator, which causes less variation in day length compared to countries farther from the equator.

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Q: What country has the same sunset time and sunrise time everyday?
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Does the sun set at the same time everyday?

No, sunrise and sunset vary every day.

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Why aren't prayers at the same time of day everyday at the mosque?

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Is it you can see sunrise and sunset at the same place?

No, it is not possible to see the sunrise and sunset at the same place in a single day. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the Earth's rotation. However, during certain times of the year in polar regions, there may be phenomena like the midnight sun where the sun is visible at midnight, but this is not simultaneous with sunset.

Where are sunrise and sunset at the same time?

Sunrise and sunset happen at the same time at the equator, specifically during the spring and fall equinoxes. This occurs because the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the Sun's rays at the equator during these times.

How can it be sunrise and sunset at the same moment?

For two antipodal locations (on opposite sides of the Earth) it will be sunrise for one when it is sunset for the other.Also, on the winter solstice, areas very near the North Pole or South Pole may experience a "day" of only a few minutes length, with sunrise quickly becoming sunset and the Sun never leaving the horizon. At the Poles themselves, the period from sunrise to sunset, and sunset to sunrise, is 6 full months.

Why does sun seem to appear two minutes before actual sunrise?

the sun is visible to us about 2 minutes before the sunrise & about 2 minutes after actual sunset because of atmospheric refraction.By actual sunrise, we mean the actual crossing of the horizon by the sun. The time difference between actual sunset & the apparent sunset is about 2 minutes. The apparent flattening of the sun"s disc at sunrise & sunset is also due to the same phenomenon .

What is a simile for sunset?

the sky was as colorful as a fire

What is Alliteration for sunrise?

Alliteration for "sunrise" could be "silken sunrise" or "sweeping sunrise." This literary device involves using words that start with the same sound in close proximity to create a rhythmic effect.

How does sunrise and sunset prove the earth is spherical?

Sunrise and sunset occur at different times for locations at different longitudes on Earth. This is because the curved shape of the Earth causes the Sun to be visible from some places while it is still below the horizon for others. This phenomenon is only possible on a spherical Earth and cannot be explained on a flat Earth model.

Why can't we see the earth's sun set and rise if we were on the moon?

Because a sunrise or sunset are local phenomena. You cannot see such things if you are not in that location. The sunrise on the earth refers to when the sun appears over the local horizon or disappears below it for sunset. Where you are affects affects what you see astronomically speaking. On the moon you would see the local sunrise and sunset for your location on the moon.

When it is day at the Arctic Circle what is it at the Antarctic Circle?

It is one 24 hour period of no sunrise at the Antarctic Circle, when the Arctic Circle experiences the same period of no sunset.