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Thomas jeffereson when commenting on the constitution stated, " i will tell you what i do not like (there is no) bill of rights, providing....... what the people are entitled to against every government on earth.

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10y ago

As the president of the Constitutional Convention, George Washington rarely participated in the debates. However, when the Constitution headed to the states for approval, Washington took an active role in the ratification process. Before leaving Philadelphia for Virginia, Washington sent copies of the document to Thomas Jefferson and General Lafayette, hoping for their support.

Washington also sent copies to Benjamin Harrison (not to be mistaken with our 23rd president, but rather Benjamin Harrison V), Patrick Henry, and Edmund Randolph, the three most recent governors of Virginia who each had serious reservations about the Constitution. Once back home at Mount Vernon, Washington spent his mornings writing letters to political leaders throughout the nation, urging them to support the Constitution. At the same time, Washington knew that if the Constitution was adopted, he would most likely become the first President of the United States and be called away from his beloved estate.

George Washington recognized the flaws within the Articles of Confederation and the Continental Congress. His experience in the Revolutionary War had convinced him that excessive concerns for states' rights and state sovereignty would be fatal to an effective national government. The inability of the Continental or Confederation government to feed, accommodate, supply, or pay the army was more than enough to convince him that a stronger central government was essential to maintain such an extended nation. Thus leading to the U.S. Constitution.

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9y ago

Benjamin Franklin's attitude towards the new constitution was supportive. He was supportive of the freedom of speech and considered one of America's founding fathers.

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14y ago

although i dont know the answer.... i bet its probably on your homework like me.

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