

What did bacons rebellion do?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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11y ago

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Bacon's Rebellion was a rebellion of freed former indentured white servants in 1676 led by Nathaniel Bacon. They did not have land, and so were pushed into the untamed countryside to find land. Virginia's governor at the time, William Berkeley, had friendly policies towards the Native Americans. The freed men were angry over the governor's refusal to retaliate Native American attacks on the frontier settlements, and attacked the Native Americans themselves before burning the capitol of Virginia and chasing Berkeley away. Bacon died suddenly of disease, and the rebellion fell apart, with over 20 rebels being hanged by Berkeley.

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Nathaniel Bacon, The rebellion was called Bacons Rebellion.

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Virginia coloney (Virginia)

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Bacon's Rebellion The governor of Virginia, and his associates in the commercial ventures in the colony.

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What is Nathaniel Bacon famous for?

he is most famous for the famous Bacons Rebellion!

How did Bacon's Rebellion Challenge England's authority over its American colonies?

well, bacons rebbelion was a big step in our American history but, bacons rebellion challened englands authorirwr ove rits coloines because bacon was a retarted name.

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He fully supported Nathaniel Bacon, and assigned some men to help him

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Bacon's Rebellion is one of the most studied episodes in American history but, the effects of mercantilism, the use of tobacco as a single source of revenue.

Why did slavery accelerate after bacons rebellion?

Because the indentured servants(the people who rebelled during the rebellion) couldn't be trusted anymore. The feds turned to slaves because they could be forced to work and had a low chance of rebelling