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To be irrevocably in love with someone, it means it cannot be revearsed.
In the movie "Twilight", Bella says she is unconditionly and irrevocably in love with Edward Cullen, so she is technically saying she cannot "unlove" him.
Hope that helps!

If your saying this is copying another answer, I wrote that answer. I wrote it again because I spelt Edward wrong, I spelt it as Enward. I hate making mistakes.

So, yeah.
I love twilight!

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15y ago

"Irrevocably" refers to something being done in a way that cannot be reversed.

"ir-" means "not" (as in "irreversible");

"-revoc-" means "revoke" (= countermand, nullify, overturn);

"-abl-" means "able" (as at the end of the adjective "irrevocable", meaning "that cannot be reversed");

"-ly" signifies an adverb.

Example sentence:

We hoped the accident was minor, but it turned out the car was irrevocably damaged. [It could not be repaired; it was destroyed.]

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Merriam-Webster defines the word irrevocable incapable of being revoked (undo, or change) or recalled; that which cannot repaired or recalled; irreversible; permanent

How do you use irrevocably in a sentence?

It is an adverb or an adjective. You can use it like in Twilight: I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

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Can you Use the word irrevocably in a sentence?

This is from the book "Twilight""About 3 things i was absolutely positive.First, Edward was a vampire.Second, there was a part of him - and i didn't know hoe dominant that part might be - that thirsted for my blood.And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." -BellaIrrevocably means it can't be revearsed.So what Bella means by saying she irrevocably in love with him, it means she can't "unlove" him.Hope that helped!