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It needs to lose, or gain, electrons.

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It is necessary to gain or loss electrons.

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It needs to gain two electrons.

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Q: What does a sulfur atom need to do to become an ion?
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How does a sulfur atom become a sulfur ion?

Gains two electrons. S 2-.

Is sulfur an atom or An ion?


What is the symbol for the sulfur ion?

The symbol is S2- because to become an ion a sulfur atom gains two electrons and each electron has a 1- charge.

How does an atom of sulfur-36 become a sulfide ion with a -2 charge?

It becomes this ion after the gain of two electrons.

How does an atom of sulfur-36 become a sulfide ion with a-2 charge?

It becomes this ion after the gain of two electrons.

How many electrons does a sulfur atom gain when it becomes a sulfide ion?

A sulfur atom gains 2 electrons when it becomes a sulfide ion.

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A sulfur atom is larger than an oxygen atom.

How many chargesin a sulfur ion?

The most common ion formed from a single sulfur atom is a sulfide ion, with a charge of -2.

How does a sulfur atom become a sulfide ion why does it have a tendency to do so?

The sulfur atom only has 6 electrons in its outer shell, and following the octet rule, it wants to get to the closest noble gas. The elements want to have a full outer level, so it will gain 2 electrons to get to 8. So the Sulfur atom now becomes a Sulfide ion.

What is the difference of Sulfide ion vs sulfate ion?

A sulfide ion is an ion of just the sulfur atom on its own, whereas a sulfate ion is an ion that is composed of sulfur and oxygen, typically SO42-.

When a sulfur atom gains two electrons what happens to it?

It becomes a sulfur ion with a charge of -2.

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