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Rest and don't carry anything over a gallon of milk. Things will settle. Spotting and light bleeding is not always an indication of miscarriage. It's more a reflection of surging hormones. good luck joymaker rn

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Q: What does it usually mean when you've been spotting for a week in very early pregnancy at 3 weeks?
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Is it normal to have spotting during 5 weeks of pregnancy for almost a week?

No its a sign of early miscarriage get checked sweetie

Is the last day of spotting heavy?

No all the spotting should be light , and not last as long as your normal period. Yes, this is very normal during the early weeks of pregnancy.

If you think youre pregnant is it normal for you to be spotting blood the first three weeks?

Spotting fresh blood during early pregnancy does occur and can be harmless but bleeding for 3 weeks is something that needs investigating by your doctor.

You think you are 3 weeks pregnant but you have not had any spotting?

Take a pregnancy test

Cani bleed if im two weeks pregnant?

Some spotting in early pregnancy is not unusual. If it amounts to actual bleeding, you should see your doctor right away.

What does that little spotting in the first two weeks of my pregnancy?

Yes, one can get some amount of spotting in the initial months of pregnancy but it is not a period. However if it continues you must show it to the doctor.

Can you misscarrage at 4weeks?

Spotting during pregnancy can occur about the time you would usually have a period. However, with a miscarriage there is more active bleeding and tissue is passed with abdominal cramping. Just spotting does not indicate a miscarriage.

How far along do you have to be to notice a tubal pregnancy?

A tubal ectopic pregnancy is usually discovered sometime between the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy, but can be noticed as early as four weeks into a pregnancy. If there a no symptoms of a tubal pregnancy, it may go unnoticed until a first trimester ultrasound.

Is it normal to have no spotting within the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes, that's perfectly normal. Some people get spotting and some don't. It just depends on the woman. Everybody's pregnancy is different.

How often do you bleed in the first two weeks of early pregnancy?

This is called inplantation bleeding usually a week or two.

If you have an early but normal 4 day period with increased cramping and then be spotting 2 weeks later could this indicate pregnancy?

I would say yes. You should go to your doctor to get a blood test or just take a home pregnancy test.

How soon can you have pregnancy symptoms?

you can have pregnancy symptoms as early as 3 weeks!