

Best Answer

You can deit and exersise by doing crunches or you can by the new high teck type of crunches or move your hips a round

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Q: What exercises do you need to do to lose weight around your stomach quickly?
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Find Workouts That Tone And Sculpt Around The Stomach?

Exercise is vital to attaining weight loss stomach fat and looking better. While no one exercise can spot tone or burn fat, toning exercises can help with losing extra weight around the stomach. Core exercises help build muscles around the waist and abdomen, which create muscle and burn fat. For many, this improves posture, which can help create the appearance of being slimmer, even when there is still weight to lose. The most effective and popular core workouts include Pilates, swimming, running and floor exercises. Many begin to see results quickly, often within the first few weeks of regular workouts.

I have an hourglass figure but a slightly big stomach what do i have to do to lose weight in my stomach area?

In order to lose your stomach fat area, you will have to do exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and other ab- workouts.It's actually really difficult to lose fat just from your stomach. Depending on how much weight you have around your mid section, you might want to do aerobics/running/jogging as well as ab exercises as these kinds of exercises get all of the muscles moving. ALSO, suck your tummy in when you're doing aerobic exercises (not constantly of course, just for a few moments and then relax it)

How can i tighten stomach skin after weight loss?

This website gives you 5 belly toning exercises to tighten skin after weight loss.

How do you gain weight on stomach and lose weight on legs?

That sounds like a really weird desire. Losing weight on legs would be through losing some weight all over, and not doing any strenght building exercises for the legs. For gaining weight on stomach I have no idea, unless you can get pregnant.

How do you lose stomach weight fast?

There is no way to reduce weight from any one area of the body alone. This type of "spot weight reduction" is a myth. Your body loses fat from all areas of the body equally. Doing abdominal exercises will firm and tone up the muscle under the fat, but has no direct effect on the fat itself. General weight loss is the only way to lose weight from any area of the body.However, cardio exercises and changing your eating habits can do a lot to reduce stomach fat and prevent stomach fat accumulating around the abdomen in the future. For more information about how to lose stomach fat, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What are some exercises to lose weight?

A good exercise to lose weight is running and jogging, even swimming. They burn calories quickly and easily, and can be done just about anywhere you are.

Why do welse corgi cardigain put weight on so quick?

Pembroke Welsh Corgi puts on weight so quickly because it eats a lot and puts on a lot of exercises.

Is it ok to eat before exercising?

yes its ok but never do sit ups after eating cause it effects your internal organs near your stomach but if you do other exercises so it will make you do exercises for much longer and you would loose weight

What are good exercises for weight loss that can be done in a gym?

The best and most efficient way to lose weight quickly is through cario exercise. This includes high energy. high movement exercises such as running on a treadmill, cycling, or running on an elliptical machine. All of these can be found in a typical gym, so these are the exercises you should look to do if you want to lose weight fast. Cardio exercises are pretty intense, but they burn the most calories in the shortest period of time and get the heart pumping, whch therefore result in more weight loss.

If your trying to eat fatty foods to get a bigger butt how do you lose weight?

stomach crunches lose weight around your stomach SPECIFICALLY, if u go running or jogging, you will lose weight everywhere...including your but ;)

What fitness course can I take to lose weight on my stomach?

The best way to lose the fat around the mid-section is by doing aerobic exercises including swimming, biking, running, or walking for thirty minutes a day or more. Along with these activities, a good way to lose this weight is by using weights which increase your metabolic rate which aids in weight loss.

What should I try to lose stomach weight?

It is very difficult to lose weight in a targeted area like the stomach. The most effective way to get an attractive stomach is to focus on overall fat loss while toneing abdonminal muscles. Exercises like situps and crunches can help tone, while vigorous cardio exercise helps with overall fat loss.