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Considering that there were no democracies for the entire 17th century and all but the last two decades of the 18th century, but there were absolutist states during those periods, absolutism wins by default.

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Q: What form of government was most effective democracy or absolutism for the 17th and 18th centuries?
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What is more effective absolutism or democracy?

Effectiveness depends on the context and goals of the governing system. Absolutism can lead to quick decision-making and implementation, but may lack accountability and citizen participation. Democracy allows for broader representation and checks and balances, but can be slower in decision-making. Ultimately, the most effective system depends on the specific needs and values of a society.

Why is democracy the best form of government?

Democracy is not necessarily the BEST form of government, however human experience over many thousands of years has proved that a democratic system is : Stable, Effective and Fair. Please do NOT confuse democracy and capitalism.

How is the ideas of the enlightenment connected to the idea democracy?

it's though that "democracy" is the most effective form of government. they think it's the best, and that countries that have a democratic government are more advanced than those who don't. this is why they are connected

What is tutelary democracy?

Tutelary democracy refers to a form of democracy where an external entity, often a military or governing elite, intervenes in the political process to ensure stability or safeguard specific interests. It can involve limiting participation and decision-making power of the citizenry, leading to a more restricted form of democracy.

Which of the foundations of democracy is considered the key to an effective democracy?

The necessity of comprimise

What foundation of democracy is considered key to an effective democracy?

Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy and is considered the key to an effective democracy. Individual freedom is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.

What kind of government does Jamacia have?

Jamaica has a Constitutional Parliamentary Democracy. This means that they have a King or Queen who acts as a symbolic head of state but has little role in the government, and a Prime Minister, who exercises effective political power.

Sun Yat-sen was going to enact democracy in three phases?

The army would rule while establishing national unity. The people would be educated on democracy and appoint leaders. There would be effective functioning of the branches of government with rights for people.

Does montesquieu believe in representative democracy?

YES. Montesquieu believed that a republic, which is a form of representative democracy, was the best form of government. However, Montesquieu spent much more time emphasizing that the effective administration of a republic (or of any other type of government) required a separation of powers, so that no single branch could overpower the others.

What is the definition of a Constitutional Parliamentary Democracy?

A Constitutional Parliamentary Democracy is a form of government where the powers of the head of state and the head of government are separate, the government is elected by the people through democratic elections, and the constitution outlines the powers and limitations of the government.

What was the form of government in Athens during the golden age under Pericles?

Radical Democracy, The Golden Age was funded by the funds levied from the 180 city-states which were part of Athens' empire.

Who was credited with making Athens a democracy?

Cleisthenes in 508 BCE when he introduced a regular assembly of the adult males in Athens.